Chapter 1

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Marie PoV

I hate Wednesdays we always end up having homework that has to be in by Friday.

Like how fast do they expect us to do homework I take at least 2 weeks to do my homework.

It takes me a week to remember it's sat in my bag, then when I take it out and put it on my desk I always forget it's there or I just shove it in the draw.

I was on my way to class when I noticed someone new, he's definitely not a student, he's way to tall and looks a lot more older then all of us.

The frustration part about it though is he's supper fit and if he's older then me I'll have no chance.

"Yo Mar I'll see you at soccer" Layla said as we got outside my class "yeah see you at soccer lay" we hugged then went our separate ways.

When I walked into the classroom something wasn't right, the teacher wasn't in the room and she's always in the room before everyone.

Maybe she's busy or I'm hoping she's stuck in the toilets the bitch.

Everyone else was in the room though and I was sort of hoping Jenna and Kate weren't in but I suppose they have to be in.

I don't know what their problem is with me like yeah I'm nothing like the typical slaggy girl that does cheerleading or gymnastics just to show off in front of all the lads but I'm still a girl.

I enjoy soccer, football and ice hockey there the best, I'm not a pussy I'm kind of a tomboy but I do enjoy my girly stuff as well.

Even though if you walked into my room you would think I was a little child minus the wallpaper.

When I sat down a very tall, brown haired, brown eyed man walked into the room and instantly all the girls stopped talking and looked straight to the front of the class.

He was wearing some black skinny jeans with a dress shirt and some pointy dress shoes.

I new he wasn't my age "hello class I am your new teacher for this term" oh great out comes the boobs.

"My names Mr wilkinson" why does that name ring a bell, I thought to myself as I sat there scrolling threw my phone.

"Excuse me please pay attention" mr wilkinson shouted, I blanked him because as far as I now he could be talking to anyone in the class.

I was just about to reply back to Layla when I seen someone stood right next to my desk "phone please" I looked up and there stood mr wilkinson with his hand out waiting for me to hand him my phone.

"You've got another thing coming" I pressed send on the text and shoved my phone in my denim jacket pocket.

"Right that's detention after school for you young lady" he said as he walked off "wait no I can't-" he cut me off "I don't care you will attend detention or you'll have longer time on Friday" everyone started laughing making me go bright red in the face.

I'm not attending detention I've got more important things to do then staying behind with him.


Finally the end of the day, this lesson was shit I thought it was bad with miss Jackson but it's worse with Mr wilkinson.

No one pays attention they all just stare at the teacher like yeah he's good looking but he's not a fucking picture.

"Right everyone put your work away" Mr wilkinson said taking me out of my daze I didn't realise I was in.

"Everyone but miss downs can leave" wait how did he find out my name, no wait why am I even asking that we all have our pictures next to our name they always give them a sheet with our name and picture on when their new.

Everyone started laughing, few students that sat behind me decided it was a good idea to tap my head on their way past.

I honestly hate this school their all pricks, except Layla, John and sky their my 3 best friends.

Johns been out with everyone in the group but me, he says he likes me but he's not my type I prefer older lads with big muscles.

Like don't get me wrong Johns a very attractive lad but I wouldn't want to rowen our close friendship.

Sammy's PoV

'Well damn she's attractive' that's was my first thought when I walked in and notice a very attractive red head in the middle of the class.

God damn I so wish she could of been older because I would so fuck her right now in front of everyone.

Wait why the fuck am I thinking that, she's my student, shut the fuck up Sammy.

I started the class introducing myself when I noticed she had her phone out.

I looked at the sheet of paper the head master handed me this morning and found out her name was Marie downs and she definitely looked better with died red hair instead of ginger.

I've got nothing against gingers just she looks prettier with red hair.

When I asked for her phone she had a bit of an attitude, I hate it when girls have attitude it turns me on.

I instantly turned away and sat down on my desk to try hide the massive bulge in my pants.

Maybe she can help me with it after school. No wait why am I thinking like that she's probably like 15-16 and I'm 22 I can't be thinking like that.

She eventually started paying attention but I couldn't keep staring at her because every single girl in the class were staring at me.


Finally that lessons as over and I was struggling so much to try hide my massive bulge in my pants, every time I look at her I got harder and harder each time.

I told everyone they could leave but Marie, she didn't look very happy about it but it's her own fault and I'm sort of happy.

She slowly got up and I noticed she had black high waisted ripped jeans, black crop top, light blue denim jacket, white converses and when she stood up she pit on a baseball cap on.

"Right Marie I don't want to see you on your phone during my lesson" I said once she stood next to my desk.

"Yes sir, now may o please go I've got soccer and I can't miss this-" I cut her off by putting my hand up in front of her face "yes you may go but first promise me you'll stop going on your phone" she nodded then handed me her book and left.

I couldn't stop looking at her arse, damn it was big.

And I like the fact she does soccer because that makes her even more hotter.

God damnit sammy stop thinking of your student like that she's a young girl not an grown adult.

I would never get a chance with her even if she was a grown women.

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