Chapter 3

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Marie's PoV

The journey home was kind of awkward like wouldn't you be a bit creeped out if your really attractive teacher decided to drive you home.

Like ok he's amazing to look at but I can't look or have him because he will loose his job and I wouldn't be able to have anyone like him anyway.

We were near my street when I noticed he took the wrong turning.

"Sir it's up that way" I tell him pointing over to the other turning on the round about.

He looked at me confused then smiled "it's ok I know another way" even though I new there was no other way to get to my street but let's see.

We stopped at the traffic lights when I noticed John and his other group of friends crossing.

I ducked down but before I could get the chance he waved at me. Great here comes the questions.

"You ok Marie" Mr Wilkinson asked as he started driving again.

I looked at him and nodded looking at my phone waiting for the text.

We turned a corner all of a sudden make me slide a little bit.

"Wow calm down Marie" I didn't realise I landed right on his very well hidden bulge.

"Sir why hav-" I couldn't finish I just stopped talking and looked out the window.

Well that made it more awkward, like if he's getting a boner over me then he's a creep.

I know I can't say anything because I'm thinking about what it would be like if we did anything but I'm aloud to he's older then me.

He came to a stop all of a sudden making me face plant the dash board and when I looked at him he smiled.

"Should of warn your seatbelt" I forgot I didn't put it on "there you go" I looked out the window and noticed we were stopped outside my house.

No cars were parked outside, which means my parents are at work again. Great another night in alone.

"That you Mr Wilkinson" I grabbed my gym and school bag and climbed out.

Just before I could even try and walk up the driveway I felt someone grab my upper arm.

"You shouldn't be putting pressure on it" I looked up and seen a smile on Mr Wilkinsons face.

"I'm sure I could of managed but thank you" I smiled back then paid attention to the floor.

We stopped right outside the door and I grabbed my door keys and unlocked it walking in.

Obviously Mr Wilkinson helped.

"Thanks again" he placed me down on the couch putting a pillow under my foot.

"No problem anything for a pr- for a student" he awkwardly shifted in his spot.

"I guess I'll see you around school then" I looked up at him noticing his smile has faded.

"I was wondering would it- no doesn't matter, see you in class tomorrow" he patted me on the shoulder then headed out the door shutting it behind him.

Ok that was really awkward and I think he was going to say pretty but he realised it was wrong.

God why does he have to be older then me.

Why does he have to be my teacher?

Sammy's PoV

All the way to her house all I wanted to do is touched her or stare at her.

I know I sound creepy but she looks amazing in her soccer shorts.

And those exposed thighs, God it makes me horny.

Stop stop stop I honestly need to stop thinking like that she's my student and she way to young.

I purposely took the wrong turning on the round about so i could spent more time in her presence.

She noticed but I know everywhere around this town and yes we know the students addresses.

No it's not creepy, well yes, but we have to know just in case they miss a day so we have to go get them.

Or they have an accident then we have to drive them home or tell the ambulance where they live.

I think near enough every school in this state know where their students live for safety reasons.

Anyway we come to a stop and I notice her trying to duck and her face is bright red.

But when she sighs loudly and sits up normally i look straight ahead of us and realise she's seen someone from school.

It's ok hopefully they won't say anything even if they do I can get us out of it.

When I take a sudden turn, which I purposely did because I noticed she didn't have her seatbelt on.

She landed straight on my prominent bulge, her hands full on gripping it.

I groan quietly making sure she doesn't notices but I think she did because she tried to ask but got to embarrassed.

She was really surprised when she noticed I pulled up right outside her house.

I climbed out straight after her making sure she doesn't hurt herself.

I don't want her hurting herself more then she has because I would love to see her in them gym shorts again.

When we get into the house I'm shocked it was amazing, I wish my place was this adventures.

Like don't get me wrong I've got a bigger house then this and my living rooms probably the same size as her living room and kitchen in one.

But my whole house is black, white and grey, the only room that's got colour in is my game room and master bedroom.

I stuttered a few times remembering I can't  say what I want to say so I decided to finally head out there before I do something I regret.

I wonder when I can have her?

Or at least someone like her? 

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