Playing Piano #2

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  • Dedicated to My Wonderful, Crazy, Erratic Piano Instructer, Johanne

OKAYYYY I had to write this for a contest. I won $50 bucks!!!


So I figured I would upload it to let you guys read it :)


My fingers stroke the cool, smooth keys

Then start to play with a whispering breeze

The clanging notes soon form a song

Harmonious, melodious, a delicious gong

The chords fly up, then drift back down

Creating a wonderful, magical sound

It flows out of me

A constant stream

Of notes and thoughts and tears and dreams

I'm still learning, thoughts ever yearning

To play, play, play all day

This is what I love to do

Make noise...

Play notes...

Show dreams...


And I am playing all the while.


WHAAAT ya think?

You likkkke?

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