03. their first thoughts when meeting you

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Percy: Alright, the flag is in clear vie- waIT SCHIST I AM FIGHTING I AM QUITE LITERALLY FIGHTING- and now I'm down. Man down, guys. With a pretty girl on top of me- Perseus, roll back the dirty thoughts.

Jason: Hey, isn't that Reyna's sister? Wait, that's a lot of blood. Lets just kinda- well, damn, babe. No need to be ru- wait, that was sarcasm, wasn't it? She's kinda pretty. She probably won't be as pretty when she bleeds out- lets go find Will.

Leo: Dammit, someone set off Test Subject 0.8. Whoa, more like some-babe. Play it cool, Valdez. Wait, schist, is she mad? Wait no, she's just playing hard to get. Is she saying I have a chance? Yes! All the ladies really do love Leo.

Frank: Oh my gods, that sucks. Should I help her? I should help her. I'm gonna help her. Awe, she's cute even with unicorn manure all over her. Be smooth, Frank. Offer to do her chores- oh my gods, she beautiful when she smiles.

Nico: Hazel, I swear. [ sighs ] Here we go, she's gonna be all cold shouldered and- well, I wasn't expecting that. Alright, stay classy. Don't be rude. You'll probably only piss her off more.

Will: I wonder what's wrong with her? She doesn't seem hurt . . Lets just talk to her. Really Will? That sounded so stupid. Oh my gods, she just hugged me. Alright, you made it out alive this time. Lets just hope she visits again.

Grover: Hey, isn't that the nymph who defended me at the Council of the Elders? You should go talk to he- Oh no, she's hot. And mad. Say something nice. Or, y'know fail this entire operatio- awe, she's smiling! Great job Underwood, she's coming to lunch with you!

Connor: I wonder how that one prank with (Y/L/N) we- Oh, it went well. Ooh, she's mad! She's prety hot when she's mad. Just smile innocently and nod. Oh my gods- that's why she's mad? I think I'm in love.

Travis: Why does she need pape- did she really just- oh my gods. She didn't. Mr. D. is gonna kill he- seriously?! She framed me! You'd think she was a child of Hermes or something. Though, I suppose it'd be cool to have an actual pranking buddy who isn't your sibling. Maybe to be something mo- okay, okay. Meeting done, lets go find (Y/N).

Luke: Why is there an empty sleeping bag? Oh, crap, if the Stolls didn't tell her the basic rules of no going out at night- okay, thank gods. You should probably bring her back inside. Y'know what? What's sitting out here gonna hurt? Alright, make a joke. Oh wait, was that too far? No, she seems fine. Okay silence . . silence . . wait does she know who you even are? Now she does. Good, Luke! You're actually talking and she hasn't brought up- wait, is she asleep? Gods, she's a cutie.

Lester/Apollo: She's one of Dio's kids, isn't she? Just in case she isn't lets just- oh, she is! She could probably overtake Percy's task and take me to Camp. She doesn't believe me on my godly title? What?! Well, I shouldn't believe her demigod title! Though, I suppose you can kinda of tell she's powerful. Me, not so much anymore.

Magnus: Oh, thank goodness, she's probably here to save me. Wait, why does she look so proud of herself? Wait, wait, wait! No!

Hearth: I have to find Magnus, he must be- Wait, who are you? Lets just hope you know sign language. Oh, you do! And you know that girl who just jumped me. Lovely. Oh, she wants to come with- alright, fine. At least we can communicate.

Blitz: Mom, can we just- Damn, mom, you never said your cup bearer was so beautiful. Wait, why's she laughing? This is totally unfair! She wants to come with? She can't just- well, guess I have no choice now. Not that I'm complaining.

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