Can't Catch A Break

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Happy was only in Tacoma for a month before he realized that he couldn't do it anymore. Roman had changed him, he found himself missing her more and more as the days dragged on. He felt guilty when he thought about her, after their fight they hadn't spoken. She'd hugged Kozik goodbye and slammed the door in Happy's face. So when Hamco said that Happy was going to head to Charming to help SAMCRO with getting a situation cleared up, Happy jumped at the opportunity.

Happy parked his bike in Roman's driveway before walking up to the front door and walking in. He had never fixed the lock. He headed straight for her bedroom, that's where she should be at one am. She was wrapped up in the sheets, fast asleep. "You gonna apologize?" Juice hissed from the guest room. "Movie night?" Happy questioned and Juice nodded. "I'm gonna talk to her." Happy sighed and shut the bedroom door before walking in. Happy stripped down to his underwear and climbed in next to her.

"What, Hap?" she grumbled sleepily. "You know what, Rome." Happy sighed and she rolled over, her head on his chest. "Go to sleep, it was a long ride. We'll talk about it later." Roman hissed and wrapped her arm around him. "Whatever you want, baby girl." Happy said quietly.

The next morning Roman got up and made breakfast like she did every morning after movie night. "Romeo, you forget how to count?" Tig asked as he walked in. It was his turn to set the table because Juice had done it last week. "I gave you four plates for four people." Roman said and Tig sighed.

Juice came in and poured his coffee before sitting across from Tig. Juice and Tig both kept clothes at Roman's house as both of them often slept over, so she was used to seeing them hanging out in just sweatpants for a couple hours before they had to leave for TM. Happy however, was not used to it. He found it weird to see them looking so comfortable, so civilian.

Happy walked into the kitchen and kissed Roman's temple before getting himself some coffee and taking his place at the table. "Juice go ahead and set the food out, and you guys eat." Roman said and Juice got up. He picked up the over flowing plates of food and set them in the center of the table. Sort of like a mini buffet.

Roman spent a few more moments cleaning up her mess before sitting down at the table with them. She noticed Tig wasn't eating. "Something wrong?" she asked, not bothering to hide the annoyed look on her face. "You're just gonna act like nothing happened?" he questioned, glaring at Happy. "We had an argument and we'll figure it out when we figure it out. He's your brother, don't let an argument between Hap and I come between the club." Roman said as she angrily cut into a piece of French toast.

After breakfast Tig said that he and Juice were going to head to TM early and kissed Roman on the cheek before walking out. "What are you doing here?" Roman asked as soon as she heard the bikes take off down the street. "I messed up." he admitted quietly. Roman just stared at him with her arms crossed over her chest. "What happened? You were just fine earlier?" Happy questioned with a groan.

"I wanted Tig to stay out of it. You should go to the clubhouse, I'm sure you've got stuff to do. We can deal with this later." she said and opened the front door. He sighed and stalked out of the house.


When Happy got back to the house later that night Roman wasn't there. He groaned and walked to the kitchen hoping to find a note, and he did. It was taped to the fridge all it said was that she would be back later and to help himself to the food in the house. He sighed and and laid down on the couch to watch tv until Roman got home.

Meanwhile, Roman was sitting on top of a dumpster in an alleyway in Stockton trying to hold it together. Fuck, she thought, if Hap finds out he'll go on a killing spree. She called Chibs and sighed.

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