Blue eyes??

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"Dad, if you don't let go, I won't be able to leave." I gasped through my father's hug.

"That's the point."

"Or breathe," I quickly added hoping against all hope, he would let me go. He grudgingly let me go, with a dramatic sigh of course.

"I still don't see why you have to go," I sighed as he was about to say the same thing he has said at least a hundred times before, "the pack is a perfectly safe place. No harm can come to you while you are here. What happens if something happens to me while you are gone! Who is going to become Alpha?" He rambled. I sighed shaking my head. I would have been guilt tripped if, if he had not said the same thing for the past 4 months.

"Dad," I said, gaining his attention, "I have to explore. If not for myself, then for the pack. I want to be an Alpha that knows what is going on. Traveling will help quench a curiosity that has always been in me. Then, when I do become Alpha I can solely focus on the pack." He sighed in defeat.

"You remind me too much of your mother." He muttered. I shot him a glare that quickly silenced him.

"I am NOTHING like her." I quickly spat. He raised his hands in surrender, and I took it as a good enough sign, grinning, I clapped my hands.

Kissing my dad on the cheek, I said goodbye and moved to say goodbye to my two best friends. Juliet had been my friend since diapers, we never left each other's sides. Her red curls fell to her mid back, and brown freckles danced across her face, right under her tear filled hazel eyes.

"Oh, El, I'm going to m-m-miss y—you s-so much!" she cried, launching herself into my arms. I chuckled, and awkwardly patted her back. Chloe, my other friend laughed at my inability to handle emotions and pried Jules off of me.

"We are both going to miss you." Chloe said. Her blues eyes also shining with unshed tears.

"Guys, I'll be back in no time, just watch." With one last hug to everyone, I headed to my car. When all my stuff was safely in my trunk, I took one last look at the pack house.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Chloe shouted

"So I can basically do anything." I chuckled to myself.

"I heard that." Chloe's growl echoed. Quickly getting into my car, before she could start throwing things.

Laughing as I started the car, I gave one last wave, and then I was on my way.

8 Months Later

Nodding my head to the stewardess, I quickly drank the water that was left for me.

From Japan to France, it was about a 2-hour flight, that I didn't mind making. I made France my last stop because it's the place I believe I will spend most of my time.

End of Plain Ride

Exiting the plain in a timely fashion, I got my bags, and headed to the front.

When I first decided to visit France I made a call to Annalise. She went to America a few years ago and stayed with my pack. Her father thought the different schooling would help mold a better Beta. Whoever told him that America had a good school system sure did a lot of lying.

Annalise didn't want to take over the Beta position just yet, so she lives outside the pack house. I asked If I could bunk with her, and she immediately excepted, almost breaking my ear drum with her squeals.

I was about to pull out my phone when I heard the signature squeal. Before I could blink, my vision was enveloped in blonde curls. Annalise had always been one of those pretty girls. Her 5'8 form, just shorter than my 5'9 form. Her blond, bouncy, curls fell in perfect spirals to the middle of her back. Her shining blue eyes, seemed to make people feel welcome, while my green spectacles seemed to scare people away.

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