✶Chapter 3✶

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"You look great kiddo! That outfit is killer!" Replied Valentino as he straightened the next curly lock of Cindy's hair. He had decided to put her into a mini dress that was designed with many little golden sequins. Each sequin intricately sewn on, Cindy was scared to even ask the price of the dress. For such a simple and elegant design, she was sure the piece of clothing was priced somewhere over a thousand dollars.

"Your hair is so healthy, my goodness," he complimented, which made Cindy blush a little. She wasn't used to getting much positive attention and taking compliments was never her specialty, so she figured that she should just smile and say thanks.

"Val, I need your help when you get a minute hun," Replied a woman with a thick accent from the opposite side of the room.

"Of course love! One moment. Oh, what do you need?" He asked the woman.

"The hair serum you have at your station," she replied hastily. "Ah, nevermind. I'll just go get it myself."

" I was going to bring it to you if you'd just wait," he grumbled as his thick, dark eyebrows pulled together.

"It's fine," She replied, grabbing the tiny circular bottle from Valentino's station. "Ah, this must be Jax's friend. Nice to meet you!"

Had Jaxon already told everyone about her? Cindy felt a little odd that so many people knew exactly who she was when she had never met any of them before.

"Thanks! Nice to meet you as well! I'm Cindy."

"And she is my wife," cut in Valentino, before the woman could speak. Her light brown locks really complimented her light eyes and tan skin, and Cindy couldn't help but feel a little insecure as the woman stood beside her. This woman was breathtakingly gorgeous and saying that Valentino wasn't bad looking himself, she saw them as a pretty good looking couple.

"I'm Valencia," she replied, holding out her perfectly manicured hands.

As Cindy shook her hand, she smiled, "Val and Val. Ha, that's funny."

"Oh, don't even mention it. Our parents think it is the funniest thing!"

"They really do," added in Valentino. "You should hear our parents at holiday cookouts. They always end up having a conversation about our names and how they chose them. To be quite honest, their interaction is always amusing."

" I can imagine," replied Cindy, smiling. The couple shared a loving glance which made Cindy light up inside. She felt so happy that two people could share such a raw and genuine love.

"Well anyway, good luck tonight. Break a leg, but not literally," Valencia joked as she walked back to her station.

"Alright kiddo, tonight's the night where all eyes are on you. Keep your head held high, posture composed, and please do not burp in the microphone if they let you talk. Someone has done that before and it was just disgustingly atrocious and- ah, just don't do that okay?"

With widened eyes, Cindy glared at him like he was crazy.

"I'm reading your mind, and no I'm not crazy. Just telling you about the harsh realities of this business." Cindy shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Did he really just read her mind or did he just read her facial expression?

Placing the flat iron down, he rubbed some type of oil between his hands and gently combed his fingers through her hair. "This product here is great to keep the frizz away and to keep your hair looking healthy and shiny."

"Yay, I like shiny things," Cindy replied, instantly thinking about how horribly dumb she had sounded.

"Great, then you'll love this product! And now onto the next and most important step: your makeup."

Freezing in her seat, Cindy couldn't help but cringe at the word. With all of the experiences that she has had in her office with the one word, she had no desire to even plaster mixtures of fake colors and paints on her face. Her whole heart desired to go up on stage and be her true self, even if that meant exposing a pimple or two. Cindy had seen far too many people hide who they really are behind a mask of blended colors and she had no desire to be one of them.

"You alright?" Asked Valentino, studying her expression.

Shifting in her chair, she sighed. She flashed back to the advice that Jaxon had given her earlier at the bench. Follow your heart. Taking his words literally, she stood her ground and raised her voice.

" How about we try something new?"

"Oooo, I love new ideas and am always open to suggestions. What's floating around in that mind of yours?" Valentino was so excited that he was practically jumping up and down.

"How about makeup free me?"

"Makeup free? Ooo, that's kind of a risky move for something that's being broadcasted on live television," he hesitated. Eyeing Cindy's face and shuffling to view her from different angles, he put his hand to his chin. "However, I like this little rebellious vibe you've got going on. I'll tell you what kid, I like your style. If that's what you want to do, then fine. Your choice."

A smile plastered on her face. The world was finally going to see the real Cindy: the girl who was nowhere near perfect, but the girl who fell in love with her flaws.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

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