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So the top 10 were announced and though I wasn't one of them, I'd like to sincerely thank each and every one of you who took the time out to read Once Upon a City. It was an honor and a major accomplishment that I even made it into the top 25, and I couldn't have done it without all of you guys!

I hope this story moved and inspired you all in different ways. It feels very rewarding to know that I've touched and moved so many people with such a short story. So thank you all for also inspiring me.

As for the future, don't think you've seen the last of me. I mean, guys we made it to the top 25 and this is the first MAJOR contest I've ever entered. I am absolutely honored and thrilled to be able to even say that.  So I'm not giving up on hope just yet. Just because I didn't get it this time doesn't mean that there won't be tons of different opportunities in the future. I'm a dream chaser, it's what I do. ;)

And on that note also don't think this is the last you've seen of these characters. I'm a huge fan of sequels and spinoffs, so you may just see some of them again in the future.

And on my final note, congratulations to the top 10!


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