✶Chapter 4✶

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Looking around at all of the other models, Cindy noticed something in particular: They all were not wearing makeup. Spotting her stepsister in the row beside her, she couldn't believe how naturally beautiful she was. Why did she need so much makeup when beauty just naturally radiated off of her?

Waving at her, Kay smiled and made her way over. "Hey Cindy! How'd you manage to make it here?"

" Someone pulled some strings for me," she hesitantly replied.

"Yeah, I'm so excited! How about you?"

"Nervous," Cindy replied as butterflies floated around in her stomach. "I'm so nervous," she repeated.

Kay smiled, pushing a strand of her jet black hair out of her face. "You'll do great! I know it." Smiling, Kay's attention averted to the ground. Her smile swiftly faded into a pout and Cindy couldn't help but to shoot her a confused expression.

"And look," she said, eyeing the ground and fiddling with her thumbs. " I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us. I would like to apologize for the way I've been treating you lately. I have no right to have said such hurtful things toward you. I caught myself this morning and I just want you to realize that I'm not a duplicate of mom. Ali tries so hard to please her that sometimes I think she wants to become her. I just want you to know that I'm not that kind of person. I am so so sorry for what I've said and done and I hope that one day you'll find a way to forgive me for treating you so cruelly."

Noticing that other people had begun to stare at them, Kay awkwardly shifted back into the line while still facing Cindy. Though Kay had managed to put very unwanted attention onto their family issues, Cindy couldn't feel anything but complete relief and happiness. At that very moment, Cindy had felt so touched that tears began to well in her eyes. Finally after all of this time, someone had understood how she felt. At that very moment she realized why Kay had been chosen to walk on the catwalk instead of Ali. Underneath all of the makeup, Kay was a person that had compassion for others and that cared for the well being of those around her. Ali on the other hand only looked out for the well being of herself. If she didn't get anything out of the particular situation she was in, she could care less about others.

As much as Cindy wanted to hold resentment in her heart for how meanly everyone had treated her, Kay had opened her eyes to the fact that there really are some people who seem to notice the good in others. At that very moment Cindy had chosen to not only forgive Kay, but also to forgive all of those who had tried to wrong her. It's not healthy to bottle up such negative emotions, she thought.

"Kay, I forgive you," replied Cindy. Tears welled in Kay's eyes as Cindy spoke those very few words.

"Really? After all that I've done? Even after all of the hurtful things I've said to you?"

Nodding yes, Cindy simply smiled at her stepsister. "Yes. I forgive you Kay."

Her plump, rosy lips forming into a pout, a tear trickled down Kay's face. "Seriously Cindy, I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like you were less than anyone else. You're my sister. I should be looking out for you," she said as her voice faltered.

Not once had either of the twins ever referred to her as their sister, so for Kay to say this made a tear trickle down Cindy's cheek. At this moment she felt so warm inside. For once in her life, she felt that she finally fit in with at least one part of her family. Though she wasn't sure what made Kay flip the switch, she felt like her apology was genuine. Just from the apologetic expression written on her face, Cindy knew that Kay truly had meant every word that she said.

Numerous models who were also in line with them had watched the entire scene play out. Kay walked over and gave Cindy a giant hug to which she reciprocated. Grabbing her hands, the girls excitedly bounced with each other as they basked in the excitement of participating in such an enormous event.

"Everyone, everyone! Attention! Please take your places! We start in three minutes sharp!"

Butterflies rumbled through Cindy's stomach as she computed the words that were spoken. Glancing at Kay, Kay shot her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Cin. You'll do great, I promise."

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling out, Cindy did her best to calm her nerves.

"Good luck out there Kay," she said as she looked at the ebony-haired girl.

"Break a leg Cin."

"I hope you don't mean that literally," Cindy replied with a smirk.

"Before I would've, but not this time," Kay replied. Then they both chuckled until showtime.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

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