Dante's Levels.

413 45 59

I crouch amid the filth and murk

To watch as Satan's servants work.

Wretched souls with blood red eyes

Feast greedily on mortal lies.

They gnaw with lust on human bones

Caress the breasts of stinking crones.

Mirthless grins on hate filled faces

Lead the way to lower places.

I crawl down in fervent quest

To seek the home of perfect rest.

Politicians plead their cause

Fresh from bedding rotting whores.

Icons grace the blood soaked walls

The scent of myrrh pervades the halls.

A Bishop garbed in cloth of red

Leers down upon a child in bed.

Now at the nadir I must rise

To find the peace of paradise.

Cast off my chains of mortal sin

And pray a new life to begin.

                                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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