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Look away now!

Do not gaze upon this face,

This façade,

You will find no grace

In residence,

Just malevolence.

Fat white maggots,

Blood sated worms


With each other



I have stolen the lives of some,

Shattered the hearts

Of others,

I have made a soup

Of lies

And misrepresentation.

 I have boiled

And burned

This concoction,

Then fed it


To the masses.

Put your hands

Firmly over your ears

So as not to hear

The songs I sing,

They will only bring

You pain.

Shun my touch,

It is much the same

As radiation,

A conflagration

That will sear your very soul,

For I am TOXIC!

                                                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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