Chapter 2: New Team, New Friends

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I sat on my bed listening to my music when I noticed Blake standing at the door

"Blake, who's at the door?"  I asked

She pulled someone into the dorm, he had H/C Hair, E/C Eyes, a F/C T-Shirt, Black jeans, black and white shoes, and a F/C and S/F/C backpack.

"Guys, This is Y/N. My old childhood friend"
"Hey" he said smiling
"So, why is he here" Weiss asked
"That's not a nice way to greet you new teammate" he responded

We all went silent

"Yup, I'm your new teammate"
"Wait, you going to be on our team"

Blake hugged Y/N again.

"I'm so glad"
"Me too"
"Um, Blake"
"Oh yeah, Y/N this is Ruby"
"Hey" I said
"And Weiss"
"And that's our team, team RWBY"
"That's co-"
"Probably not, no need to worry Ruby"

He patted my head which caused me to blush.

"Well, since it's time for class" Weiss says jumping up
"What time is it Y/N" Blake asked
"Uh, it's 8:55"
"REALLY, AGAIN" Weiss exclaimed
"Well something tells me you guys have to go to class, il see you guys later"

And with that we all got dressed and rushed out the door and went to class


I laid down on the floor, listening to the silence in the room. I then sat up and looked around, no one. I sighed and stood up

"Well, what now" I asked myself
"I can train, go out for a walk, explore the school, or...sleep" I thought to myself
"I guess il..."



"Man, that was a long day" I said
"You said it" yang said dropping on her bed
"Well, I guess I'm off to study" Blake said picking up her textbook and walking out the door
"Same here" Weiss said also leaving the room
"Guess it's just me and you Yang" i said "yang?" I asked again but she had already fell asleep
"Of course"

Them the door opened and Y/N appeared in the dorm z

"Hey Ruby"
"Oh hey Y/N"
"So how was class"
"Cool, I have a question though"
"Where do I sleep"

I then realized that Y/N never had a place to sleep

"Well, you can sleep with...m-me"
"Nah, you can have your bed. Besides I don't want Yang to get the wrong idea"
"Yeah, I guess"
"Il take the floor then"
"Okay, so what were you doing out and about"
"Oh, I was just taking a stroll"
"That's good"
"Yeah, say I never got your last name"
"Rose, Ruby Rose"
"That's cool"
"What's your last name"
"Hehe, that's funny"
"what's funny"
"Your last name"
"Oh is it because it's Ozpin, like the headmaster"
"Well I never called him headmaster? I always called him dad"

I looked up at him confused

"Your Ozpin's... Son"
"So, how do you know Blake?" I question
"Well, me and Ozpin were walking around my town, when we seen a protest for Faunus rights or something, then i bummed into Blake on accident. We became friends and soon best friends. And that's also how I got this scar"

I pointed to his cheek, which had a cut then went from bottom of his eye down to the top of his neck. It made wiess's scar look small and not very painful

"So exactly what happened"
"You mean how I got the scar"
"Well, I was in the park. Thinking about my life, and watching the kids when I heard someone struggling. I seen Blake get pushed into a alley by some perverts. I followed and beat the living hell out of them. One pulled a knife and cut my cheek. They were arrested and probably will get out once there at least sixty years old"
"Quite the story"
"Yup, I remember the day after. Blake came over and gave me a bunch of gifts for saving her"
"So are you a, thing"
"No no no, we might like each other as friends, but nothing like that"
"Oh, that's nice"

Secretly I was jumping with joy inside. I had a crush on Y/N as soon as Blake introduced him. And to be honest I'm pretty happy him and Blake aren't a item.

"Ruby, Y/N to Ruby. Come in Ruby, over"
"Wha, oh yeah. Roger that Y/N, I'm here. Over"

We both starred at each other for a bit until we both started to laugh, unknown to us Yang was awake, and Blake and Weiss were secretly watching from the doorway

"Man, talk about a childish couple" Weiss said to Blake
"They aren't a couple yet Weiss, but give it some time. They're going to realize that they belong together" Blake said to Weiss after her comment.

They both smiled and nodded as they went off to study, and not spy on the two.


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