Chapter 6: The Box

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Sooooooooo, fights am I right, hehe.


You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting to the light that was entering the room, you sat up and yawned. You slowly stood up, trying not to wake the girls.

"So far so go- Wooah"

You said as you tripped over a box that was randomly placed in the middle of the room

"What was that?" Blake asks sitting up
"W-who the hell out this box here" you said picking yourself from the floor
"Y/N, what happened?" Yang asks
"Well, i tripped over a box"
"Box?" Ruby said standing up
"Yeah" You said

Ruby walked over and examined the box

"Hmmm, wonder how it got in here"
"I thought one of you guys put it there"
"No, me and you got home and everyone went to sleep after that" Ruby said turning to you
"Then who put it there"

She shrugged as she opened the box, it had a note and a bag in it

"Dear Y/N and Ruby, you don't know who I am but I know who you guys are, there will be something in the bag, take it out and read it" Ruby said as she read the note

I put my hand into the box and grabbed the card in the bag, I examined it before reading

"Dear Y/N and Ruby, did I spook you, it's me Jaune. I saw you guys at the fair and I wanted to say congratulations...
P.S And Y/N, if you trip over the box please don't kill me. From Jaune" I said as I read the note
"Jaune? Why a box and not just a note and card?" Blake says
"Maybe he wanted me to trip over it, and because of that I'm going to have a little chat with our friend" I said walking over to the door, opening it and walking out
"Bye Y/N" Ruby called
"Ruby... I'm literally like three feet from you"
"Well, your not close enough so I can still say bye"
"Three feet, that's smaller then you, and that's saying something"
"Are you calling me small"
"Well, yeah"
"Oh yeah! Then your tall"
"That's not really a good comeback"
"I know, bye Y/N" she calls again
"Bye Ruby" I say sighing

She closed the door as I took a single step and got to Jaune's dorm, I knocked and Ren answered

"Hey Y/N what's up" he said toothbrush in his mouth
"Hey Ren, Jaune here?"
"Yeah" he says
"no" a low voice says behind the door
"Can I talk to him"

He backs up and grabs Jaune from behind the door, moving him so he's in front of you

"Hey Jaune"
"Y/N, Fancy seeing you here"
"So I got your note"
"Oh, okay"
"And I tripped"
"Over the box?"
"Oh hehe"
"You owe me a dollar"
"A, single dollar?"
"Yes pay up"

He sighs walking away, coming back with a single Lien, I took it

"Pleasure doing business with you" I said walking over to Ruby's dorm
"Yeah, you too"
"Bye Jaune"
"Bye Y/N"

I went in and saw the girls sitting on the floor with a board game in front of them

"Y/N, your back" Ruby says
"I was just across the hall Ruby, Just across the hall"
"Oh yeah Weiss, IL ATTACK YOU" Yang said slamming a card into the board game
"Well, good luck with what ever you guys are doing I'm going back to bed since I like sleep" I said walking over to my sleeping bag and getting into it
"Night Y/N" Ruby says
"Night Rubes"

And with that I fell asleep



"Y-Y/N" Ruby says with tears in her eyes
"Ruby, what happen" Y/N says sitting up
"Blake's being mean"
"SHE DESTROYED MY KINGDOM" she says faceplanting into Y/N chest
"I can't really do anything, it's apart of the game right"
"You want to hug-closely to feel better" you said

Ruby nods as she slips into your sleeping bag

"I love when we cudd-"
"Oh Y/N"

She gives Y/N a quick kiss and falls asleep on top of him

"Night Ruby"

And with that they fall asleep again

You don't know how much I hate this love stuff, like kiss kiss, cuddle cuddle, ITS OVERRATED... Which is probably one of the reasons I don't have a girlfriend

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