Chapter 5: A Date To The Fair

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It's been a few days since me and Ruby got together and it's going pretty good, Yang is okay with me dating her and everyone says were a pretty cute couple. But today is the day where me and Ruby go to the fair that was coming to vale. It came a day ago but to make sure it wasn't as busy were going one day later

"Almost Ready?" I said sitting next to the bathroom door

I sighed as I started to play with my fingers, that went on for a minute or so until Ruby came out

"It took you that long to put your hair into a ponytail"
"Hey, how about you try to do it without looking"
"Got me there"

She smiled as she walked to the door

"Let's go Y/N"

I walked to the door and was about to go out until Yang stopped me

"Please, protect her understand"
"Yeah Yang, I understand"

She smiled and nodded as we left the dorm

"What did Yang want?"
"Oh just saying be safe"
"Yeah, well let's get going"

We silently made our way out of beacon and towards the airship

"H-Hey Y/N?"
"What's up Ruby"
"T-to be honest, I have a fear of big crowds..."
"That's fine, stick close to me and you'll be fine okay?"
"Ok, thanks for understanding"
"No problem"

I put my hand around her neck, she blushed and snuggled into me. We soon got into the airship and sat down.


"We're here"
"Good, now let's get to the fair"
"Ruby...we still have like nine hours till it's over"
"I know but, I want to play games and eat food"
"Story of my life Ruby... Story of my life"

She giggled as she took a hold of my hand and dragged me out of the air ship before activating her semblance and ran all the way to the fair grounds.

"We're here!" She said
"Man, wonder why it's at the dock"
"Who knows, maybe because they needed more space"

Ruby then started to walk ahead of me, I quickly follow and started to walk next to her

"What do you want to play?" She asks looking at me
"You pick"
"Okay! hmmm how about that one" she says pointing to one of those "Test Your Strength" games

She smiled and dragged me over there

"Hello, Hello, Care to take a Swing?"
"Yeah, Two please"
"Of course"

He takes Ruby's money and starts the game. Ruby smiled bring back her hand and punching the punching bag as hard as she can, it barely moved.

"It's okay" I said
"How about you try"
"Well, oh fine"

I walk up to the bag and smiled, activating my semblance I focused all of my strength on my hand making the fire grow larger. I brought my hand back and quickly but powerfully hit the bag which made it fly up and hit the bell signaling that I won

"Amazing, now what's your prize?" He asks

I take a look over at Ruby who is looking at a cookie pillow, I smiled

"That one"
"Of course"

He took it down and handed it to me, I then have it to Ruby

"Y-you didn't need to do that"
"Of course I did, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't"
"Got a good point there"

I smiled

"Thanks" I said walking away from the booth
"Anytime you want to come back il be here" her said back as we walked away

Me and Ruby started to walk around a bit more until Ruby eyes lit up as she looked at another booth

"A ring game?"
"Yeah, can we?"

She smiled as she once again dragged me to the booth

"Hello kids, want to play some ring toss"
"Yes" Ruby said once again paying for the game
"Perfect, now here you go"

He handed Ruby six large rings, three for her and three for me. Ruby tossed two and missed. She tried tossed the other one and missed again except this time I noticed something, the bottle was getting moved, Wasn't a bit move but enough to cause the ring to not go on the bottle. I smiled as I walked up.

"I seen your trick" I said throwing one and getting it on one of the bottles
"Don't be dumb, all the games are rigged I know that" I said getting another one
"No need"

I said tossing the ring slightly behind the bottle so once the bottle moved it went right on

"Now, Prize"
"Well I guess you got me there"

I got some random bear and almost instantly handed it to Ruby

"Don't you want it?"
"Nah, you can have it"
"Thank you"

We walked around a bit more, played some more games and are some food before we decided to call it a night

"What I night" I said as we left the fair grounds
"Yeah, thanks for taking me out today"
"No problem"

I put my arm around her as we continued to walk down the street

"I'm cold"
"Well, I don't got a coat but here"

I took of my shirt and handed it to her

"N-no it's fine"
"Take it, I'm rarely ever cold"
"Are you sure"

She smiled taking my shirt and wrapping it around her holding it like a backpack

"I feel better already"
"Good to hear"

We continued to walk until we arrived to the airship, we sat down and waited till we got back to beacon


We walked through the the door of our dorm

"Hey Ruby, How was it" Yang asked looking up from her scroll
"It was really good"
"Can someone explain why Y/N doesn't have a shirt" Weiss asked
"I was cold so he gave me it" Ruby said
"So, I guess your still internally warm
Y/N" Blake said
"Yup, never lost it"

She simply nodded as me and Ruby laid down on her bed

"Goodnight, I Love you"
"Night, I love you too"

We Hugged-Closely till we fell asleep

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