Chapter 1

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Today is the day. I'm finally old enough to be trained. I'll finally have a Sensei.

"Are you awake Mirai? It's almost time to go."

I quickly groomed my scales for the fifth time. Though I'd never admit it to anyone, I was extremely nervous.

Mina and Mizuki were bound to make many friends during training. I, on the other hand, would be lucky to impress anyone.

"Mirai! What are you doing up there? We need to get going!"

"Coming Mama!" I slid ungracefully out of my nest and jumped off of the rock ledge that I lived on.

"Be careful! If you hurt yourself then you can't go to training."

I shook the ruff of fur around my neck. Stray hairs stuck out at all angles. I tried to smooth it out as quickly as possible but it refused to lie flat.

"Stop messing with your fur. You look fine dear." Mama leaned down and fluffed my fur. "Come on. You have places to be."

She nudged me out of our cool cave and into the humid forest.

"This humidity will ruin my fur! Let's hurry Mama!" I stumbled forward as quickly as possible.

"Calm down, Mirai. I'm sure you'll be fine." Mama chuckled.

"Not when the weather is like this!"

I scrambled forward in silence while Mama walked calmly behind.

"Don't forget your manners while you're there. The Sensei is going to train you so be respectful."

"Yes Mama," I said breathlessly.

"Do you want me to carry you? We may not make it on time at this pace."

"I can walk on my own!" I wheezed.

"You look like you're struggling." She knelt down in front of me. "Climb onto my back or we'll never make it on time."

I glared at her for a moment before climbing onto her broad shoulders.

"Hold on tight, dear!" She yelled as she spread her wings and took off.

I wrapped my limbs around her neck. Trying to hold on seemed like a useless thing, since I have hooves.

"You okay back there?" Mama looked over her shoulder.

"Not really!" I yelled as loud as possible.

"I know you can't grab onto me but I don't want you to be late. Just try your best for now." She looked away. "We're almost there."

After what seemed like ages, Mama came to a stop.

"Do you want me to drop you off near the other hatchlings or would you rather stop here?"

"Here's fine. Thanks Mama."

She landed carefully on the ground.

"Have a a good day."

"OK. See you later, Mama." I quickly slid off of her back. Before she could say anything else, I took off towards the training grounds.

I hope that the day goes well.

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