A New Journey

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Caroline heard a knock on the door. She opened it and found a familiar green-head standing there.

"Oh, hello Drew. I haven't seen you in quite a while."

"Good to see you. Is May here? I really need to talk to her."

She showed him to May's door, which was closed and locked. "She's just been needing some time to herself," she said. She left Drew there and walked away with a slight grin. She was no fool.

He knocked. There was no response or even the sound of movement or breathing for a few minutes and he started to wonder if she was even in there. He leaned back against the wall and waited, and after a while, he heard the door unlock.

Assuming it was safe, he opened the door slowly. And there May was, sitting on her bed with a book in her hands. He noticed that the book said "Holy Bible," and he turned and saw that 700 Club was playing on her TV.

"Well... I uh, see you've been studying."

She put the book down. "That was really amazing, what you did up there."

He said nothing. He was refraining from hair flipping and saying something snarky. His pride wasn't what this was about.

Since the silence seemed endless, she spoke again; said something she was nervous about telling him. "I've decided that I want to give my heart to Jesus."

To her surprise he was completely calm in his response. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. Ever since I've been back and seeking Him, I've been getting answers. And I feel Him moving in me. Drew, this is too real for me not to believe."

"I'm glad you could make that decision for..." he trailed off.

"What about you? That speech... what even happened? Why did you do it? I thought you didn't believe in God?"

He finally looked her in the eye. "I had a dream that fire fell from an opening in the sky."

No further explanation was needed. May understood immediately.

"So you've made this decision too?"

"Well... not exactly. I just... I don't know."

"Do you want to?"

The two turned their attention to the TV. 700 Club was ending, but the man on the screen was talking about people who had never received Christ before and how to invite Him in. It was a call to faith.

"'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved' (Romans 10:13). If this is what you want, and if you feel the Spirit tugging on your heart, please don't push it away. All you have to do is make the decision to let Him in. If you want to make that decision now, bow your head, say this prayer with me in your heart, and let Jesus do the rest."

The impeccable timing seemed like a sign. Both of them closed their eyes as he started to pray.

Lord Jesus,

I ask right now that You come into my heart. I open the door to You. I'm sorry that I've sinned against You. I ask that You forgive me my sins and that You create in me a clean heart. Lord, I want to follow You all the days of my life. You said You've prepared a place for me, and I want to be in that place. I want to be with You forever. Lord, make me new. Reveal Your love to me. I invite You in.

In Jesus' name, amen.

During that minute or so, Drew had genuinely opened up his heart to the Lord.

May shut off the TV. Drew opened his eyes and looked out the window. He felt different. He wasn't sure what it was or how to describe it, but also didn't question it. For the first time, they both felt fulfilled and... alive.

"Wow... so this means we're Christians now. Who would've thought..."

He smiled at her and nodded. Then he remembered something else he had to do.

"Look May... I don't mean to take away from this moment, but I need to talk to you about something. I uh..."

Never in his life did he imagine he'd actually say it out loud. After three years, he finally found the strength to humble himself and admit the truth.

"You're like no one I've ever known. I've had feelings for you for a long time..."

He paused for a second. Did that really just happen?

"I don't wanna play games anymore," he continued. "Our lives are short and tomorrow's not guaranteed. I just wanted you to know that, now. Today."

May was in the best kind of shock. She was looking at the man who's had her heart for three years up to that day. And now he was stepping off his pedestal to tell her he feels the same way.

He pulled out a rose and held it out to her, mildly blushing and not making direct eye contact. "I want to start a new journey in Orre. I want to start a journey of following Jesus and learning more about who He is. And I don't wanna make this journey alone. I'd... really like it if you came with me."

With a face as red as the bandanna she used to wear, May took the rose and quickly kissed him on the cheek. This took him by surprise and their faces turned the same color.

"...Okay. So it's settled then. We're going to Orre," he muttered, being lost for words otherwise.


He exited the gym and flew back to La Rousse on Flygon. He was going to meet her in a week and they would travel to the new region.

Contests? They might partake if they come across a town that is holding one every now and then. But for them, it was going to be a passionate hobby, not an all-consuming lifestyle. No more idolatry.

As May lay in bed that day, gazing out the window, she suddenly felt the urge to pick up her Bible and open it to a random page. The first verse she saw was Galatians 2:20 – "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

As Drew was soaring in the sky on his desert dragon, these words suddenly came into his mind and he heard them clear as day: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come!"

(2 Corinthians 5:17)


A/N: And that concludes the story. For the record, I am actually NOT a fan of 700 Club and and am not endorsing it. I just thought I'd use it here because it felt fitting and I'm not aware of any other shows of that nature.

Anyways. I'm not super satisfied with how this chapter came out, but I guess intros and closings aren't always my strongest points. Either way, thanks so much for reading. ;D

Reviews are always welcome. Even though this is an older story (literally one of my first fiction writings ever), I'm always looking to improve.

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