Chapter 13

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Y/N: Hey Girlfriend

Camila: Hey Baby Girl

Y/N: Baby Girl?

Camila: Got a problem

Y/N: Nope not a problem at all :)

Camila: Good

Camila: Babe I can't wait to meet you

Y/N: Neither can I

Y/N: I wanna hold you

Y/N: And kiss you

Camila: Please do

Y/N: I just want you here with me

Camila: I know babe

Camila: I want that too

Camila: But right now i'm in New York

Y/N: I know :(

Camila: Don't frown babe

Camila: Remember sad faces are for cats :3

Y/N: babe it's sad faces are for pussys

Camila: I don't like saying that word though

Y/N: But yet you have one and you like to eat them

Camila: Y/N!!

Camila: 0-0

Y/N: Sorry babe

Y/N: But it's true

Camila: Okay maybe it's a little true :/

Y/N: It's a lotta true

Camila: A lotta?

Camila: The heck it that?

Y/N: Well just saying a lot wouldn't have made sense so I said a lotta

Camila: Okay...

Camila: My friends want to meet you

Camila: Could I invite them?

Y/N: Yeah go ahead

Camila: Okay give me a second

-Camila Added Normani

-Camila Added Dinah

-Camila Added Lauren

-Camila Added Ally

Ally: Hey Y'all

Dinah: Sup Dawg

Lauren: Hello.

Normani: Its me

Lauren: -_-

Normani: Sorry I had too

Lauren: Sure

Y/N: Soo... how's life guys

Lauren: Good

Normani: great

Ally: Amazing

Dinah: Fantastic

Y/N: Are y'all like trying to one up each other?

Camila: Yeah they are, they do that all the time

Dinah: Yo Y/N

Y/N: Yeah?

Dinah: Why are you such a fuckboy?

Y/N: It just comes naturally I guess

Ally: She's not that much of a fuck boy

Ally: Forgive me lord for I have sinned

Y/N: ???

Camila: She does that every time she cusses

Y/N: Oh

Normani: Send us a face pic

Y/N: Okay

Camila: I bet you look hot rn

Y/N: (Insert Image Of You)


Dinah: You're hot as fuck

Y/N: So I've been told

Normani: Holy

Camila: Papi

Lauren: You're okay

Ally: OKAY?!


Y/N: Down girl

Ally: :/

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