Chapter 25

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Y/N: I'm on the plane

Camila: I can't wait to see you

Y/N: I can't wait to see you babe

Dinah: Y'all to cute

Camila: Oh shit we're in the group chat

Y/N: babe.

Camila: yes?

Y/N: You know I don't like it when you cuss

Camila: Sorry

Y/N: But anyways

Y/N: Entertain me i'm bored

Ally: Rude

Y/N: How was that rude?

Camila: You are bored and talking to us :/

Y/N: Baby that's not what I mean't

Y/N: You know that

Lauren: Does she?

Camila: I do...

Camila: I was just messing around babe

Y/N: :/

Camila: I was

Y/N: Okay

Camila: YAY

Y/N: :3

Y/N: I love you

Camila: I love you too baby girl

Normani: I love you dinah

Dinah: babe you're ruining their moment...

Normani: You could've just said I love you too -_-

Dinah: Nah

Normani: :(

Y/N: Sad faces are for pussys

Normani: :( :( My baby don't love me

Dinah: I kid I kid I love you too

Normani: You better

Dinah: If I didn't i'd give myself a poly beat down for being so stupid :)

Y/N: Okay y'all to cute

Camila: I agree

Ally: Me too

Lauren: Same

Dinah: We ain't 'cute'

Normani: We're 'hot'

Dinah: Correct

Normani: :)

Y/N: I'm gonna take a nap before I land, Is that okay babe?

Camila: Yes go ahead so when you get here we can do stuff

Dinah: Stuff?

Ally: What kind of stuff

Normani: I wanna know

Lauren: Guys they're gonna have sex

Camila: WHAT NO


Camila: I mean't like go sight seeing or something maybe go out to eat or watch a movie not sex

Y/N: Yeah Lauren get your head outta the gutter

Lauren: Sorry dude

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