Chapter 27

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Camila: ;)

I closed up my phone and a couple seconds later the seat belt light came on so I buckled up and waited for the plane to land, Camila was freaking out and only god knows why, maybe she's nervous for me being there for the rest of the tour but who know well only Camila know's but you get what I mean...

The planes lands and I get off and head towards the baggage claim to retrieve my two suitcases I had brought with me, hopefully I brought enough.

Once at the baggage claim I quickly grab my bags and walk over to and empty area to let the girls know I have landed and have my stuff, they should be waiting for me out front. They would've came in and waited for me but fans would've seen them and then we'd be here forever and I do not want that all I want to do is get to the bus and sleep cuddled up with my beautiful girlfriend.

Once at the empty area I pulled out my phone and opened it up, clicking on the group chat and started to type.

Y/N: Babe and friends I have arrived!

Camila: BABY!

Lauren: Oh wow so we're just your 'babes' friends?

Dinah: We are not your friends :(

Y/N: That's not what I meant

Ally: It sure seemed like it

Y/N: Guys don't do this to me now :(

Normani: So we are your friends?

Y/N: Of course why wouldn't y'all be?

Lauren: Sorry dude I took it the wrong way lol

Y/N: It's all good

Y/N: I just wanted to drop in and let y'all know that i'm on my way to the car


Camila: Sorry caps lock :3

Y/N: I love you too

I locked my phone and slid it into my pocket, grabbing my bags and walking towards the exit .


I finally made it outside after about ten minutes of pushing past people trying to get out, don't you hate it when people just stand right in the middle of a walkway, its so annoying.

I stopped by the curb where you would wait for a taxi and looked out into the parking lot for a black SUV, spotting one with the windows down and five girls dancing in the back and a very serious looking man in the front.

I slowly approached the car, laughing while watching them dance, then suddenly I heard screaming coming from the car I was walking to and I also saw arms flailing around in the back seat.

The door swung open and out came tumbling the five dancing girl also know and Camila, Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Ally.

Camila landed on top on the rest and quickly bounced up and ran to me, I dropped my suitcases and opened my arms for the screaming girl to run into, not even a second later she was in my arms and I was spinning in a circle.

A few seconds after that four pairs of arms were wrapped around us and we formed a group hug.

Once everyone pulled away except for Camila, she just held on, I smiled at them.

"So..." I started "I missed you guys" They all laughed and said that they missed me to while Camila just gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Can we go now dawg i'm sleepy and a little hungry" Dinah said then yawned

"Yeah lets go" the girls brought my bags into the car seeing as Camila grabbed my hand and drug me into the car before I could grab them, when we got into the car Camila straddled my and practically ate my face off.

"EW DAWGS STOP!" Next thing I knew I was being slapped on the back of the head and all the rest of the girls were in the car staring at us, Camila just stuck her tongue out at everyone.

"Save it for Y/N" Lauren mumbled I don't think she meant to say it out loud by soon after she did Camila's face turned bright red and the car erupted in laughter.

This is going to be a fun trip.


Sorry for the wait I just really didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to be lazy but here's a short chapter :3

I'm tried lol I'll post another tomorrow :)

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