Chapter 26

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Camila: Baby how much longer till you land?

Y/N: Not much longer

Camila: Well I need like a specific time

Y/N: Well I'm not going to give you a time babe you just gotta wait

Camila: Please baby girl?

Y/N: Stop you know what you do to me when you say that

Camila: What was that baby girl?

Y/N: Stop

Camila: Whatever you say baby girl

Y/N: Camila I swear I will tell them to turn this plane around


Y/N: So many O's

Camila: Sorry baby girl

Camila: Shit sorry

Y/N: No need to be sorry babe, just quit saying baby girl

Camila: Wouldn't want you horny when I'm not there


Camila: WHAT?

Y/N: Did someone put something in your water

Camila: I haven't drank any water today

Y/N: Babe you need to drink some

Camila: Fine

Camila: Brb gonna go find some water

Y/N: :)

Y/N: You're whipped

Camila: Shut up and let me drink my water

Y/N: You can't even hear me, you just read my words

Camila: Who

Y/N: You

Camila: Cares

Y/N: Rude af

Camila: Who

Y/N: Don't start this shit with me babe

Y/N: I won't come and stay with you if you do

Camila: Stop threatening that you know you can't live without me

Y/N: You can't see me right now but i'm rolling my eyes

Camila: Sureee you are

Y/N: I AM!

Camila: Chill with the caps baby girl

Y/N: Camila I swear you will be the death of me

Camila: ;)

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