The Possession Of Anna part 2

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"It's been ten years since i've been in this prison,sitting behind bars is pretty boring. I can't spend the rest of my life here no longer! I will explode sooner or later. I have to get out now!!!!!!!!! I have an idea , i'll escape this trap hole when everyone is asleep. I've been creating this secret tunnel that nobody knows about ever since I got here, and now it's time to get out!" Anna wrote.

It was 12:00 in the morning, the guards had dozed off and everyone had sounded asleep. Anna knew that it was time. She crawled into the small tunnel which had lead her into the streets of New York  .She quickly got up and ran to the nearest taxi."Where to?" the taxi driver asked as she entered the car. "New Jersey" Anna said quickly. "mam, that's a long way drive, are you sure you have that amount of money?" The driver questioned. "What is up with all these questions.Of course i have the money! I said take me to New jersey . Now!" Anna demanded. Without saying another word the driver started the car and obeyed her commands.

The car had finally stopped, they arrived in new jersey. "That would be one hundred and forty-five dollars." The driver said. There was a long silence. " I said one hundred and forty-five dollars" he repeated. Anna began to open her door ." pay what you owe" the driver said while grabbing Anna's arm."If you do not let go of my arms in the 20 seconds. i will-" Anna warned . " What are you going to do! You're only a teenager. I can get you arrested" The driver interrupted. Anna started laughing at the fact that he had threaten her to put her in jail. She wasn't scared to go to jail again, she wasn't scared of anything or anybody. Everybody was scared of her. " What's so funny?" The driver said in confusion." Let go of my arms now!"She screamed. He held onto her arms tighter. She had began to count. "So, we're counting now. How about i'll  count with you" He said. They both was counting. "what now??" he said when they reached to 20. Suddenly her eyes rolled back and she started shaking like a maniac."What in the world" He said while trying to pin her down.She put her hand around his neck and started to squeeze on his neck. "Leave me alone, leave me alone" she repeated while strangling the taxi driver.The taxi driver grabbed one of her hands to  stop her from choking him. She snatch the pocket knife that she was holding in back pocket and she started stabbing him in the stomach. The driver screamed in pain. " Stop! Help! " he yelled louder. She did'nt stop. When he had stopped breathing, Anna quickly got out of the car and ran. She didn't know where she was going, but she reached a small city that was filled with people. She accidentally ran into this boy. "sorry" the boy apologized. " It's okay" Anna said while trying to walk away. She didn't want to be bothered."Are you new here?? What's your name?" the boy asked. " I have to go and my name is Ally" anna lied, she didn't want anyone to know who she was or else she would end up in jail again. "Wait!" the boy shouted.

Anna part 2Where stories live. Discover now