Gone !

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Anna pov:

I felt a sharp pain on my chest. Blood started pouring on the floor. My life is over  i thought. I slowly began to close my eyes. Tears began to form. I am sorry God, I know you're out there. Forgive me for all i've done. Please don't take me yet , i'll change. I prayed. I felt pain all over my body. I was remembering about the time when my mom was alive . She used to be such a beautiful lady. I loved how her hair flowed down her back , and her smile use to fix everything. I don't even know why in the world I killed her. I miss having her around. I didn't mean to kill those other innocent people . Malissa had made me do it, but look where I ended up. My eyes are flashing before my eyes.

Five minutes later, God didn't decide to take me away yet. But, i knew he wasn't going to let me live much longer."Hey are you okay" this familiar voice asked. The person had shooked the crap out of me. I opened my eyes. Everything was a blur. I didn't answer until i could see clearly.I saw this cute boy. " Am i in heaven yet" i asked. He laughed. " I don't think so, don't you have to die first, before you go there" he joked.I realized who I was talking to, it was aren, the boy that i met  a couple of days ago. I sat up, i didnt notice any whole in my body. Where was the blood coming from. I looked to the left of me, I saw Malissa on the floor, her head was busted open from one bullet. "She's dead!" I yelled. "Yeah i shot her, because she tried to kill you" Aren told me. I cried louder. Aren put his arms around me and he let me cry on his shoulders. I wasn't crying because I was sad or whatever. But those tears were tears of joy. Malissa is out of my life for good.

A month later,I continued to hang out with Aren and the police put me in a foster home.I have a new mom and dad and their the best.I also had stopping killing people and i started going to church. I learned alot about God and Jesus. They're amazing now that i think of it. I made a promise to the Lord and i wasn't about to break my promise for anyone. I love my new life and my new family

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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