Lies, Hurt and Played

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Anna grabbed  her gun that she carries in her back pocket,she handed it to Malissa."What your giving this to me for, you're the one who's gonna do the killing tonight"Malissa said."But-" Anna said. "But what!GET THAT THING OUT OF MY SIGHT"Malissa said angrily. Anna put the gun back in her pocket.I don't want to kill aren. She thought." who's that?" Aren asked Claire as he pointed to them. Anna and Malissa were no longer invisible. "Oh shiz, Aren I think there's going to be trouble tonight" Claire said as her eyes brightened."You thought you could've gotten rid of me that easily. I'm unbeatable...Now your times up, Anna shoot them!" Malissa yelled. Anna had pulled the trigger, the bullet went directly at Claire's head.She fell straight  on the wooden floor."I-i killed you for a reason, you used little children to do you're dirty work.You went inside their bodies and You-you made them ki-kill their parents and inocent people.Next, you make them bring you back to life. You're just an evil little witc-" Claire couldn't finish her sentence because Malissa had stabbed her to her death.

Anna was in shock "Is it true!" Anna screamed."What are you talking about?" Malissa asked." Don't act stupid! You used me . I thought i could trust you, but I guess it's time" Anna said as she pointed the gun  at Malissa. " Ha ha, you won't shoot me. I'm the only person that you have, and if you do shoot me. It'll be no use because i will always come back and next time I come back, i'll be coming after you!" Malissa added. Tears started falling down her cheeks. I trusted her she thought. "I trusted you ! Now it's time for you to go" Anna said as she put her fingers on the trigger.Malissa quickly snatched the gun. The two of them began to wrestle.Malissa kicked Anna in the head and she picked up the gun from the ground. Blood was dripping from Anna forehead. "I told you that you that you'll never win"Malissa laughed . She aimed the gun towards Anna's body. Anna did something that she had never done before, she had started praying to God. Malissa started pulling the trigger. *Bang!* that was the sound of the gun that went off.

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