Karma is a ..........................

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This chick is crazy. Anna thought as she followed Malissa .They have been walking for hours."Where are we going!" Anna finally said. " Shut up! Just know that is revenge time" Malissa angrily said.Anna knew what she meant by that.Anna was down for anything. When they had stopped walking, their was a building, it was covered with dirt and was surrounded by trees.They hid behind one of those gigantic tree,there were about 20 people outside the building." We're going to get caught" Anna frighteningly said. "Hold my hands" Malissa said. Anna held Malissa's hand tightly. They headed towards the building filled with people. They was standing in front of this man who was smoking weed . It seemed as if he didn't see them,maybe they were invisible. Malissa grabbed him and stabbed him right in his heart. The man fell onto the hard concrete floor."HARRY!" a lady had screamed on the top of her lungs. A crowd started forming around him. Everyone had a confused face. They didn't know who had stabbed him and how did he got stabbed when they were all here together. Malissa then target another person. "why are you just standing there! Kill them, all of them!" Malissa ordered. Anna did as she was told. Minutes later they were standing on a pool full of blood."How did you turn us invisible?" Anna asked in confusion."I'm a ghost strapped in a human's body, I can do anything.

They walked inside the building. There was two people sitting down . They had looked familiar to Anna, but she couldn't tell where did she know them from. "That's the people who had killed me. The girl name is Claire Carter" She said as she pointed at the light skinned girl. She had on a pair of  green Nike shoes and a black and green tinker bell shirt with black pants. Anna personally didn't like Claire. She wanted to kill Claire as much Malissa did. "And that's Aren Brown, her "sidekick" or whatever" Malissa pointed at a Caucasian boy , who had a black tank top on and a pair of gym shorts.That's the boy i saw when I first got here.I don't want to kill him because I think he's really cute and I want to get to know him. Wait, what am I talking about . I'm a MURDERER . Nobody is going to fall for someone who kills people. Why am I even worrying about boys. I'll just let Malissa do the job. Anna wondered. Malissa tapped on her shoulders. Anna knew what it had meant. It's destruction time or should i say karma is a ...........................

Anna part 2Where stories live. Discover now