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Isabelle didn't hear from Justice for three days. He wasn't at school, and whenever she went knocking at the door, no one ever answered, despite both cars being parked in the driveway.

She called in a missing persons report, as it had been over 48 hours.

Isabelle Darby and her family saw the news the next morning.

Justice and Martha Miller were found dead in their home. Martha suffered a crushed windpipe and bruised throat, due to being strangled. She was laying in her bed when the police found her.

Justice's room was definitely more terrifying.

He was found dead, also on his bed, but outside of the covers. He sustained a single stab to the abdomen by a kitchen knife.

The scariest part?

He cut himself on his left palm so he could write out on the wall in blood. It said, "I KILLED THEM ALL."

Pinned to the wall beneath the grotesque message, was a document, consisting of 7 different chapters.

It was an account of his life after his father's death, written by himself.

He confessed to he murders of five people, including both of his parents and the case of Ethan Shaw just weeks before.

Should he had been alive, the police say he would have been sent to a Psychiatric Ward immediately.

No conviction, because of his mental state. He claimed to have given the world "justice," like his name.

A funeral was put together by the Darby family, specifically by the eldest daughter, Isabelle, who had been a romantic partner of Justice Miller's.

Isabelle took the news terribly, as she told police, he had just told her he loved her.

Justice's story reached national news. His autobiography-of-sorts was published with permission.

Isabelle graduated high school, got a Doctorate's in forensic psychology, and became a detective in Washington.

She went on to be part of the investigative team for the FBI. She never forgot the impact Justice had had on her life, and she thanked him everyday for it.

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