Ch. 5

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I'll just give a brief overview of all that happened.

On Halloween, Isabelle convinced me to go to trick-or-treating with some of her friends after a party. She dressed as a cop and I was her prisoner (in many ways).

She showed off a bit more cleavage than I would've liked, but she assured me that her boobs were "all mine."

Can't argue with that.

My mother and I ate with Isabelle and her family for Thanksgiving. It wasn't as painfully awkward as I thought it would be. And the food was delicious.

My mother had to work on Christmas Day, so Mr. and Mrs. Darby let me come over to their house. I had to get presents for the whole family, which meant I had to work a lot of overtime at Pizza Palace. It was a lot of fun, though.

And they all got me presents too, more than I'd ever gotten from my father.

They were like family now.

Mr. Darby got me a fancy new bow tie, Mrs. Darby baked me cookies (because I always asked for her to make them... they were good as hell), Noah got a new video game for us to play together, and Isabelle...

Isabelle got me a chrome watch. It looked exactly like the one my father wore. I told her about it once before. On the inside of the band, my initials and her initials were engraved with a heart next to them.

It was the nicest thing I'd ever gotten from anyone.

However, I didn't plan on bursting into tears in front of the Darbys.

I thanked all of them for the wonderful gifts and we all had a big group hug. It was the best Christmas I'd ever been apart of.

The Darbys had a big New Year's Eve party, and of course, my mother and I were the first invitees.

Isabelle tried to get me to drink champagne "just for the fun of it," but I refused. I told her I didn't want to end up like my father. I never drank a drop of alcohol in my life.

She didn't drink it either, in my honor. We had apple cider like the little kids, and when the ball dropped on TV, she grabbed me by both sides of my face and kissed the life out of me.

While the party went on downstairs, Isabelle led me to her room and we fooled around for a while. Needless to say, I no longer own anything close to virginity.

It was amazing.

Valentine's Day was my chance to really show Isabelle how much I cared about her.

I set up a picnic on a hill in the park.

I made sandwiches, cut up some fruit, and bought some vintage Coke bottles for us to drink.

To make a long story short, things were going good.

But I spoke too soon.

It was now March. Additionally, it was St. Patrick's Day. The school was bustling with a sea of green.

I was at my locker when I sensed someone - a few someones - approach me from behind. I turned around slowly to see Ethan and his rat pack smirking at me evilly.

"Hey, Justice. Sporting green, I see. Smart choice; I'm a vicious pincher. I would've like to pinch you 'til you bled," he said, ending with a snarl.

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