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"But, Hoseok, he's as cold as ice."

"I'll just thaw him out."

"I assuming youre still not getting the picture, he's like the bitter and sour lemonade you accidentally buy from a 5 year old's lemonade stand."

"Guess what Namjoon?"


"Lucky for me, in my pack pocket I have ever lasting packets of sugar from the coffee shop I work at. So it won't be a problem, I'll just add a butt load of sugar packets into the lemonade without the 5 year old noticing."

Namjoon groaned at the stubborn attitude of his best friend who desperately insisted for Namjoon's help on hooking him and this other guy up.

The problem was it wasn't just any other guy, it was Min Yoongi, the most sour, bitter and cold human to walk this earth. Even though he was 23 his personality resembled a lonely old man who yelled at children that played too close to the front yard of his house.

And now Jung Hoseok, the man who sat beside him on his worn out couch, was madly in love with this ice cube.

"Hobi," Namjoon sighed helplessly, "he isn't someone you wanna mess with."

Hoseok rolled his puddle orbs to Namjoon's remark. Saying that only provoked him to approach Yoongi more.

Yoongi, to Hoseok, was similar to a Rubik's Cube all Hoseok needed to do is try to fit the puzzle together. Hoseok might've had this obsession with Yoongi's cold shoulder and rude proclaims.

It wasn't like Hoseok fell for Yoongi form a far, no, he didn't even know Yoongi ever existed until they met on the elevator.

Hoseok stepped onto the empty elevator, he was going to an interview to get a job in the small office building where Namjoon also worked at.

Hoseok was fitting in a dark suit, he thought he looked rather handsome, his striking black hair was spiked up, revealing his forehead. Just by his looks Hoseok was certain that if he couldn't get the job by his resume he would just have to flirt his way into the company. (Even though he never nailed the job interview anyway and settled for small shifts at a coffee shop.)

Just as Hoseok thought he would be riding the elevator utterly alone a person quickly rushed in with their head ducked low as the elevator doors slid to a close.

His hair was dyed a grayish color with glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. He wore a white button up shirt with a black tie and black slacks. In his arms were a stack of papers.

Hoseok glanced at the man beside him and noticed that his hands were slightly trembling and there was sweat trickling down his temple as he took shaky breathes.

'What's up with him?' Hoseok had thought.

Hoseok had always been good with people, he was a people person after all and generally worried for others out of instinct. But little did he know Yoongi didn't want his kindness.

"Um, are you okay?" Hoseok asked as he placed his hand on the shorter man's shoulder.

The man whipped around and glared hatefully at Hoseok, their eyes making full contact with each other and neither of their's was wavering. Even though Yoongi's eyes were squinted and glaring at Hoseok, he stared at the chocolate brown part of the stranger's irises and saw nothing but fear and nervousness.

"What are you in kindergarten? Do I need to rehearse the 'keep your hands to yourself' rule?" Yoongi spat. Though Hoseok wasn't a bit offended but only dazed to the stranger's undeniable beauty. Hoseok thought he was more beautiful than his own mother, and Hoseok loved his mother.

Hoseok was not only speechless but entranced, and before he could say a word the elevator made a Ding nose and the doors opened, with a flash the short gray haired male was out in a second, leaving Hoseok completely dumbfounded.

Hoseok's orbs scanned the elevator for answers as the doors closed again when his eyes landed on a plastic card resting upon the elevator floor. He picked it up and realized it was an ID card, and on it was the picture of the male who had just spat at Hoseok and below the picture was the angel's name.

Min Yoongi.

"You're not going to be able to persuade me out of this Namjoon." Hoseok spoke with his eyes to the carpet of Namjoon and Seokjin's apartment, his voice thick with determination. Namjoon huffed, defeated.

"You know he's going to be sour,"

"I know."

"Bitter and salty."

"Well then Namjoom, he's in for a treat because I don't have much of a sweet tooth." Hoseok gave him a smirk.

Namjoon chuckled heartedly to Hoseok's response, now kind of trusting Hoseok with the task of figuring out Min Yoongi.

If anyone could, it'd have to be Jung Hoseok.


EEKKKK, making a Yoonseok fanfic, tbh I'm total Yoonseok trash so don't be surprised if this fic is cheesy af. I hope you enjoy!!!!

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