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Hoseok was starting to doubt the rumors about Yoongi, he hadn't seemed heartless the whole walk to his house, (since Hoseok offered to walk him home).

The only time Yoongi truly had been cold towards him was the incident on the elevator. But Hoseok liked how open and comfortable Yoongi was being with him the whole day.

After Hoseok had dropped off Yoongi he was heading to the bus stop since it was already late and the bus driver had given Yoongi the 5 dollar bill back since he wasn't going to ride the bus.


The next morning Hoseok was planning to visit Yoongi at his work to bring him his ID card that Hoseok forgot to return during the dinner and walk, not mention he wanted to use that as an excuse to talk to him again. Even though Yoongi had only ever said one sentence to Hoseok and that was "I'll walk with you." Even when he dropped him off he only nodded shyly and waved slightly to Hoseok as a goodbye, but he didn't mind as long as he was meeting up with Yoongi, he didn't care.


"Aww, you brought me pastries!!" Namjoon exclaimed with joy as he approached Hoseok who had arrived with freshly baked Danishes in a bag. Hoseok chuckled and pulled the bag from Namjoon's reach.

"Sorry bud but these aren't for you!" Hoseok laughed at Namjoon's unaffective pout. Hoseok huffed and leaned towards Namjoon to whisper in his ear, "It's for Yoongi."

Namjoon nodded, still feeling slightly betrayed that Hoseok had brought his man crush food but left his best friend since high school hanging out to dry.

Hoseok walked towards Yoongi's cubicle to see the shorter male completely focused on the computer screen with his fingers flying across the key board not even paying any attention to Hoseok.

"Yoongi~" Hoseok sang, Yoongi jumped slightly as he whipped in he office chair with a startled expression that immediately changed into one of annoyance.

"What is your problem Hoseok, honestly couldn't you just have tapped me on my shoulder to get my attention like a normal person, no, instead you sing my name like some sort of small child who was forced to become a choir boy and sounds like a run over cat in the middle of a blizzard." Yoongi ranted truly angry with the fright he experienced just then, he hated seeming weak and vulnerable, which usually meant lashing out at someone around.

But instead of Hoseok being hurt he laughed at the hilarious comment that came from the now frowning Yoongi who was confused as to why Hoseok was laughing.

"Oh shush will you, instead of a cat you sound like a horse chugging down heavy toothpaste." Yoongi complained quietly but that only made Hoseok's laughter rise.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so funny." Hoseok sighed, finally composing himself with a bright smile, Yoongi glanced at him and rolled his eyes before looking back at his computer, pretending to bite his nails to keep his small smile from being seen. "Here I brought you sweets, oh and I found something you might need."

Yoongi turned towards him and took the sweets Hoseok had handed him and waited for him to give Yoongi what he found.

Hoseok pulled out Yoongi's ID from his back pocket and as soon as Yoongi saw it his eyes widened when he took it from his larger hands.

Yoongi stared at it for a while before jumping from his seat and without thinking he wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck and hugged him tightly in relief that his ID card was found.

Hoseok was in utter shock, he wasn't expecting this, but he didn't try to hug back and only let the sweet smell of coconut fill his nose as Yoongi's body heat molded into his.

Yoongi pulled back slowly and awkwardly not meeting Hoseok's eyes. It seemed to Hoseok that the only away to actually talk to Yoongi was when he was mad and spat insults at you but Hoseok only found that delightful.

"T-thank you." Yoongi said not meeting his eyes, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. Hoseok smiled.

"No problem." Hoseok chuckled. Yoongi just sat back in his seat and start to fiddled with his uniform. "So... is there anything I can help you with?" Hoseok asked, trying to clear the awkward atmosphere, as if remembering about his job again Yoongi rose his head quickly and nodded.

"We need to take this upstairs to Mr. Kim Taehyung." Yoongi whispered and grabbed the stack of papers as Hoseok helped with another stack. Yoongi was about to take the stairs when he remembered that Hoseok was with him and he wasn't going to make Hoseok go up 2 flights of stairs just because he was a scaredy cat.

Yoongi headed to the elevator instead, breaking out into a minor sweat as Hoseok followed him. Both of them only holding the few stacks of paper with one hand.

They entered the elevator and immediately Yoongi felt suffocated with more people entering the machine. Yoongi was close to letting out a panicked whimper as he was squashed to the wall of the elevator by the people inside. He closed his eyes tightly, biting the inside of his cheek to keep his heavy and shaky breaths in.

His legs were shaking and he had no idea how long he could stand this. Yoongi stood there his heart growing tight and eyes growing blurry. He stood there with his loose arm beside his side and his hand digging into his leg.

Suddenly he felt something warm try to grab his trembling hand, he looked down to see Hoseok slightly larger tan hand lacing their fingers together as his thumb started rubbing circles, trying to comfort the frightened male beside him. Yoongi looked up to see Hoseok's loving gaze and he couldn't help but feel safe and reassured. Yoongi scooted over and let their shoulders touch as he leaned into Hoseok's touch. It just seemed so natural to be around him.

Hoseok hesitantly kissed the top of Yoongi's head and Yoongi just buried his face into his shoulder as his hand tightening his grip on Hoseok's warm and comforting hold.


Gosh the fluff, this was a long chapter, 1044 words!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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