Salaah (Prayer) Earlier we looked at the preparation for prayer - the ablution, called 'wudhoo’.' Now we will look at the prayer itself. Prayer is the first obligation which you as a new Muslim, will have to fulfill. But how do we pray? There is a time frame for prayer, and there is a place for prayer too. For men, this should be in the mosque (masjid). For women, it could be in the women's section of the mosque, in the Islamic Centre, or in their homes. Nevertheless, the prayer consists of standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting. These are the basic acts of the prayer. There are things which should be said in the various positions, and we will talk about them in detail in a later lesson. What you need to know right now is that once you are in the prayer, you shouldn’t look around. You should focus on the ground in front of you, on the point where you will lay your forehead while prostrating. So whether you are standing, bowing, or sitting down, you should focus on the point of “prostration” and you should not be looking around. If there are people moving around you, ignore them, and focus on the prayer. Don’t check your watch, or do other things either. If there comes a time when not doing something takes all your attention away from the prayer, like having an itch, then instead of losing the whole purpose of prayer, just scratch it, and get it out of the way. But be very careful, and do it only when absolutely necessary; don’t spend your whole prayer scratching away. You are not allowed to talk while praying either. Your mobile phone should be off before you pray, or at least on silent. You can’t enter into other communications while you are in communion with God, during your worship. So don’t pick up your phone and talk to people while praying. When you are in prayer, reflect on the glory of God, His greatness. Thank Him for bringing you into Islam and thank Him for all the other mercies and blessings in your life. Seek His guidance; ask Him for forgiveness. You can do this in the various positions of the prayer, and it would be enough for now. You will learn later about the specific things that need to be said while standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting. But for now it is enough for you to just follow others around you. As with everything else in Islam, there are the outer actions that we do, and then there are the inner actions that represent the core of the faith. The Qur’aan states that the core of the prayer is the remembrance of God. We pray to remember God and to be conscious of God on a regular basis. In order for the prayer to be of any benefit, this should form the core of our internal acts. Perhaps as a new Muslim, you might question the set times, and how the prayer is performed. It might seem somewhat mechanical to you. Perhaps you may have prayed before becoming a Muslim during some emotional moment. You may have felt close to God and you may have decided to pray there and then; and you may feel that the regular times and prescribed actions of the Islamic prayer don’t allow you to feel the same way about praying. In fact, such formal prayer is creating a framework for a Muslim’s life. It is important to establish this framework right from the beginning. From now on, your whole life will be built around the prayer. Because if we don’t schedule our life around this framework, it will be set around another framework, be it food, work, or material needs. However, it is important to remember that our spiritual needs are more important than our physical needs. You can lose an arm, you can lose a leg, but you are still here. But lose your spirit – and you lose yourself. Just as your physical body has its needs, so does your soul. The human soul needs to be in communication with God and reflecting on God. Your actions should be actions pleasing to God. Once you are conscious of God, you will try to do the right things in your life. And this is the main purpose of the prayer; to make you a better person. It is training you to speak well, because the prayer consists of good words that mainly come from the Qur’aan. It is also training your body, your limbs, to only do things which are pleasing to God. The prayer itself is a daily reminder, as we are reminded five times every day to be more conscious of God, to make the right choices, to do the right things, and to do those things which are pleasing to God. This is what prayer is all about; to make us better people, to have better character, to speak well, and to act well.
The New Muslim Course
SpiritualThis course is specially designed to explain some of the most important points that the new Muslim should be conscious of on the very first day of their conversion to Islam which are often neglected by those individuals or centers responsible for th...