behind the scenes

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1. the name 'elle martin' was inspired a very short-lived account of mine. i deleted it, but i loved the name, so i picked it for this one.

2. the original title was supposed to be 'a sky full of stars' and the original plot was supposed to be about only one of them was having an existential problem. But then I didn't know how to bring them together, so I decided to make both of them go to a circle and meet there. and its just more emotional don't you think.

3. Lets dissect Jack Kingston's name, shall we? Jack was because I feel like the name was too plain, but it would be a whole lot easier to add some personality behind that. Kingston was because its a hot surname. (i believe that my other book had a surname of kingsley.) and i also love knight as a surname.

4. There was this little mention of Jack's car being a Jeep Commander (the morning after the party and a moment after the stack of blueberry pancakes) and that is because I was obsessed with the Hush Hush series that time and there was a lot of mentions of Patch's notorious black Jeep Commander.

5. Lauren Greene's surname was brought to you by Rachel Greene from Friends.

6. Throughout this entire book, I have imagined Elle to resemble Daisy Clementine Smith, but I didn't want to bind everyone into that uniformed face, so I didn't say anything.

7. 'Lost Stars' as a title...

There I was scrolling through the channels whilst munching down on whatever I was having for breakfast. Then suddenly, Adam Levine was singing this amazing song in Star Movies. 'OOOH its Adam, I'll stay and watch this for a while'. Then, it just seemed super fitting to name it that because they were two oddballs who didnt fit in.

8. originally, the chapter titles were just supposed to be roman numerals, but my sister talked me into naming the first one andromeda. I loved it, but it seemed idiotic to just name everything else random things related to astronomy, so I decided to follow the alphabet.

9. First book of mine that didn't go through multiple cover changes

10. I knew how it would end before I knew what would happen as the body. I'd be trying to sleep before a brilliant idea struck me and forced me to get blinded by my iPod as I try to type it because I know that I'll forget it in the morning.

11. THIS WAS A COMPLETE PRODUCT OF MY MIND. I didn't read TFIOS so any resemblances are coincidental

finally, I just want to thank all of you for sticking by this story and fangirling in the comments which made me lol. thank you for your compliments and thank you for just making the reads increase by reminds me that people actually like it and that I'm not just wasting no my time.

hope to see you guys in my other stories
xoxo Emma <-- last time in this book :((

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