Blurred Lines

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Janessa POV:

Chris was very open about his life and how he wanted to be a singer. He really bought me to tears when he started talking about how his mom was abused when he was younger.

"Why are you crying" Chris asks me while cupping my cheek.

"I just can't understand the pain you went through you were just a child." I responded as a tear rolled down my face.

Chris POV:

"No don't cry for me im stronger now and my mom is okay don't cry." I told her. Our faces were extremely close together I just couldn't help myself, the look of her soft lips had me aching for awhile.

Janessa POV:

His hands were perfectly in lined with my face. I was lost within his deep chocolate eyes and those pink lips were going to be the death of me. I felt him pull my face closer to his but I didn't stop it and before I knew it we were kissing. His lips just felt like they belonged with mine. I kept telling myself that i needed to stop but I couldn't pull away but after a minute I did.

Chris POV:

For a minute were kissing and then she pulled away.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to give you a mixed signal" she said quickly trying to regain focus.

"No no it's my fault" the room was extremely quiet then I came out with a "thank you for the food it was delicious."

"No problem." She said while looking down I guess she felt kinda embarrassed.

Janessa POV:

It was kinda weird you know all the silence maybe I should of never stopped it but oh well. Oh shit my aunt I mumbled to my self.

"What's that. Chris asked lifting his head up to see if he can clear the air or something.

"Oh nothing" I tell him "I'm just going to call my aunt and let her know that I'm okay."

"Okay well if you want we can leave or we can stick around and enjoy New York or whatever."

"Have you seen what I'm wearing" I asked Chris while pointing to my pajamas aka his big shirt.

"Oh yea we can find you something to wear I'm sure, I think they have a little store in this hotel" he replied.

"Okay well I'll be back out in a min" I said making my way to the room. My phone was sitting on the little counter top next to the bed I was hesitant but I picked it up anyway. I honestly didn't want to call my aunt but I knew that she was worried about me, she probably thought that "they" found me. I dialed her number it rang twice and as soon as I was about to answer it she picked up.


"Aye chill I'm fine imma comeback today or tomorrow" I yell her tryna calm her down

"JANESSA YOU ARE COMMING HOME TODAY OR IM CALLING THE COPS" she said still like tryna prove a point.

"FINE. IF YOU DO THAT YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!!!!!" as I said that I hung um my phone I was just enraged at the fact that she would go out and call the police on me for no reason.

Chris POV:

I heard Janessa yelling in the room I figured her aunt.

"Damn Chris why are you so stupid" I said to myself I should of know her aunt would go all ballistic. I went in the room to go check on her. Janessa's hands were cupping her face as a sign of stress.

"Are you okay" I said while finding a seat next to her. She gave me the saddest face I ever seen and then that look quickly turned hungry.

"I want you" Janessa said sternly

"Huh?" I said with a confused look on my face. And before I could say anything the grabbed my shirt, pulled me in close and started kissing me.

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