17: Troubled Kiss

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17: Troubled Kiss

Ria's POV

I ran from the hotel in agony. My mind kept racing, all my jumbled, confused thoughts playing through my head like it was on rewind.

Why was Kade turning on me too?

The thoughts became all too much and I furiously wiped away the few tears that fell bitterly down my hot cheeks. That was it. I didn't give a shit. Not anymore.

I crawled into my car and jammed the keys in the ignition, revving up the engine and fiercely pulling out of the parking lot.

Keeping my eyes on the road, I fumbled my hands around the car for my phone. Quickly, the feeling of my plastic case was set in my hands. Looking down for a mere second, I checked my contacts for the solution to my problems right now.

Bryan Taze.

I called him and the sound of ringing flew through the closed space of the car. He picked up promptly, sounding a little annoyed.

"What do you want, Ria Fallon?" He questioned harshly, overall sounding like he didn't care.

"I was wrong, Bryan." I stated, even though my heart was against the words flowing out of my mouth.

"What do you mean?" He perked up, slightly becoming interested as I continued.

"I am ready for this." I retorted, gesturing to mine and Bryan's thing.

We exchanged a few more words and I finally concluded our conversation, telling him to meet me at my hotel room.

I hung up and sighed. Not in content, but simply because I didn't know what I was getting myself in to. I knew full well that majority of the reason for this happening was only because of the words Kade said.

Well, shove that hope up your ass cause it isn't getting you anywhere, freak. Those were her last words to me, and I knew she had more to say. But I couldn't help but think, I didn't have any hope to cherish any longer. Luke simply was done. He had Asparagus. Or Arzaylea, whatever the fuck her name is.

Soon enough, I found myself standing outside my hotel room, my key card sitting in the slot, the door waiting to be opened. I took a deep breath and gently swung the door open.

Not to my surprise, but definitely to my dismay, Bryan was slouching on the couch, his fingers tapping a drumming rhythm on his jean-covered knees. His head swiftly turned to my still figure before motioning me towards the couch.

I followed his command and took a seat next to him. My hands felt clammy and I smiled timidly at him.

"Are you sure you're ready for us?" He asked, but I knew full well my opinion wouldn't matter beyond this point.

"Of course." Lies. I wanted nothing more than peace right now. But I was here to prove to everyone, especially Kade, that I can move on from Luke.

Bryan smirked cheekily, but not the cute cheekily. The cheekily that shows the real cockiness of someone.

I inwardly rolled my eyes as his blue eyes flickered to my lips. I knew what happened next.

At this point, I couldn't turn back. Bryan started leaning in.

I swear, I had no filter sometimes. My mind simply let things happen without thinking. I leaned in too. I know, I'm savage.

I bit my lip as if that would stop anything from happening but it was too late now. I detached my teeth from my lip and closed my eyes, the presence of Bryan's lips hovering over mine.

Not being able to take it anymore, I leaned forward fully until my lips were moving in sync with his. He held my neck, pressing me into him so it was impossible to escape.

I finally backed away and immediately felt disgusted. I wanted to wash my mouth out with soap but I put on a fake smile just for Bryan.

"Ri-Ri, will you be my girlfriend?" Bryan asked, his egotistical spirit soaring from his proud swollen lips. I gulped and just froze still in my spot.

"Damnit Ria." I heard an Australian laced tone whisper from behind me. I turned around quickly, already fearing who would meet my eyes. And I already knew who it was.

Luke's icy blue eyes snapped in my direction and his stare pierced my heart. He frowned, dropping a bouquet of assorted flowers that were in his hands.

"These are for you." His voice cracked, gesturing towards the flowers that now laid on the ground.

I gawked, watching as Luke left the room desperately. Bryan smiled and I exhaled. Why did I fuck up everything?

I stood up quickly, running after Luke.


OH NO!!!! Ria is being stupid tbh. I hope you are happy I updated though because a lot of you have been requesting it.

Don't forget to vote/comment!!

DUECES bb's!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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