Falling For Justin(Justin Bieber Love Story)

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Danielle Jones, 18 years old captin on the varsity girls soccer team. Well known at school, not only an amazing athlete but drop dead gorgeous. Around 5'3" a light complection due to the fact that she is mixed, beautiful blue eyes and long curly hair. Allmost every guy wanted her.. Who would'nt? She was a good student with an A average, very social and had a bubbly personality. She was single, mainly because her over protective best friend Justin. she was fine with it for the most part because she didnt really want a relationship.

Justin Bieber, 18 years old captin of the Boys Varsity soccer team. Very popular 5'8" tan with amazing brown eyes soft brown hair. Very athletic and smart funny and outgoing. Loves to sing. Best friend of danielle for over 10 years.


Danielle open this fuckin door now! Exclaimed the drunk sorry excuse of a father as he slurred his words.

No please stop daddy Im sorry. Cried the innocent 8 year old girl gasping for air after each sob.

Open this door now otherwise you'll end up with your mom! He yelled

I kept pushing items infront of my door hoping he wouldnt come in.A dresser a book shelf even my bed. After my mom passed away last year my father liked to drink and abuse me. I was used to it but latley Its been worse. Sometimes the neighbors would call the police due to the screaming but they did nothing but make him angrier. But who would know today would be the day my life changed?

DANIELLE MARIA JONES OPEN THE DOOR NOW!! He yelled getting angrier by the second.

As tears flew down my face I wish someone could help me. I kept wishing for the neighbors to call the police. Maybe my mom was listening when I was wishing because minutes later there was a stern knock at the door.

*Knock knock knock* open the door now this is the police! Exclamied the man on the other side.

I heard my fathers foot steps leave heading towards the as I started pulling the things from the door.

Oh Hi sr what can I help you with on the fine night? He slurred as he spoke to the officer

We got a few complaents about yelling comming from the this house is anyone else here? He asked

N- my father was about to say no as I ran from my room into the officers arms crying.

He bent down to my level, speaking softly and comforting

Are you okay sweetie? He asked

N- no I said as tears flew down my face

I slipped down the top left sleeve of my shirt to show the officer my bruses that he made.

Oh my we need an ambulance and back up said the officer into his walkie

Sweetie stand right here. He said softly

He grabbed the handcuffs and tied them to the my fathers wrists. he started telling my father his rights untill back up came.

That was the day everything changed.

After back up came the officer called some of my relatives to seeing who I would be able to live with so I didnt have to go to a foster home. After an hour of sitting in the quiet police station he finally spoke up.

Sweetie he said softly

How would you feel about living with you aunt Carol and uncle Jack in Canada? You dont have to tell me now, but we should know soon so they can get prepared.

I thought for a split second and answerd yes with a faint smile on my face. I loved my aunt Carol & uncle Jack. They allways

Bought me presents during holidays and everytime I visted they brought me to the beach.

Are you sure he asked once more

Yes I said

*End of flashback*~

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