Meeting My Bestfriend

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I moved to Canada a week later. At first it was kinda wierd knowing that i was going to be living there but I got used to it days later. It was the end of summer when I had moved so the school year was about to begin. My aunt and uncle lived in a small town in Canada. the town they lived in was a small one, everything was in walking distance it was a beautiful quiet town. Next door was a boy my age his name was Justin, Justin Bieber.


Hi I said quietly to the cute boy who lived next door.

Hi he replied while blushing.

My name is Danielle whats yours?

Im Justin, you're pretty. He said the last word quietly

Thank you I started to blush your cute too I replied.

We stood there in awkward silence untill he suggested we played tag. I quickely responded yes, seeing that it was my favorite game.

After an hour of playing my aunt had called me back home for dinner. He walked me home and asked if I wanted to play again tomrrow. I agreed gave him a quick hug and waved goodbye as he walked home.

~*End of Flashback*~

Justin no justin no Justin Drew Bieber I said no dont you dare let me go!

Hahaha one, two, three he let go of me. Into the freezing cold pool

JUSTIN I yelled. as he extended out his hand expecting to pull me up I yanked it making him fall into the water next to me.

I laughed as It was the oldest trick in the book. He shoulda knowen what I was going to do!

DANI oh your gonna get it now he said while laughing

I tried to run but the water was slowing me down. He finally caught up to me and grabbed me by my waist. Pulling me fast into his chest. I always had a special place in my heart for justin not only because he was my best friend but because I kinda had a crush on him..since the first day I met him when we where 8 years old. He turned me around and looked at me in the eyes as we where both laughing still.

Justins pov *~

When I pulled Dani in to my chest I wanted to kiss her then and there. But I knew if I did that I would jeprodize our friendship.

As she was still laughing I just smiled and looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

I started to tickle her untill I saw her start to shiver.

Are you cold? I said softly

A- a -a little she stutterd as her teeth where chattering.

Comeon leta get you inside.. I suggested

Hey we wouldnt be in this situation if someone didnt throw me in the water! I laughed while hitting his arm softly

Yeah yeah well to apologize i'll carry you come on babe I said motioning to my hands

* Wait did I just-

Oh shit why did I say that?

Babe oh my gosh

Fuck fuck fuck* I kept repeating in ny head

She laughed and jumped into my arms. So I could carry her out bridal style.

Well thank you babe (;

she said emphasizing the "babe"

I gave her one of my famous smiles and carried her out of the pool into ny house.

i'll get us some towels and clothes, can you get some popcorn and we can watch our all time favorite movieeee? I suggested

*Your pov*

I jumped out of his hands and kissed his cheek basicly saying thank you for carrying me in and getting the stuff for me.

I dont know but latley i'v felt somthing more for Justin...

Falling For Justin(Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now