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It's been a week since your brother’s solo comeback, which means he’ll be busy for days, weeks, or even months. The worst part is, you don’t know who will look after you while he's gone.

But you’re used to it.

The last time he left, he made arrangements for you to stay with your older sister, Park Yoora. Yes, you do have an older sister, but you're not close with her. Your brother, Chanyeol, is. You’re not sure why, but there’s always been an uncomfortable distance between you and Yoora. This time, though, you doubt he’ll leave you with her—she’s busy with her job as a reporter. As usual, they're all always busy.


Chanyeol just finished his last performance of the night, and you rush backstage. You had been forced to attend his live comeback because he said he needed to tell you something important before his flight tonight.

You’re still annoyed about it. Concerts and events? Not your thing. The noise, the flashing lights, and especially the screaming fans—none of it appeals to you. Watching his performances on TV from the comfort of home was more than enough. But here you are, again.

As you step into his dressing room, you vent your frustration.

"Yah, oppa! I swear, I'm never going to another one of your concerts or events. I can watch you on TV. You could’ve just called me instead of making me come all the way here."

Chanyeol laughs at your outburst, unbothered. "Stop complaining, dongsaeng. You're already here. Besides, I have something important to tell you. While I'm away, you're going to stay with Baekhyun. He'll take care of you."

You blink at him in disbelief. "Wait, what? Baekhyun?"


A few days ago, Chanyeol made his way to Baekhyun's house.

Ding dong. The door opens, and Baekhyun greets him.

"Oh, Chanyeol! What brings you here?"

Chanyeol grins. "I need a favor."

Baekhyun arches an eyebrow. "What kind of favor?"

Chanyeol hesitates for a moment, then says, "I need you to take care of my sister while I'm away. I'll be super busy, and I don’t want her to be alone. Please?"

Baekhyun chuckles, "Taking care of your sister? What’s in it for me?"

"I’ll buy you skins for your characters in League of Legends, and I’ll bring you souvenirs from every country I visit," Chanyeol offers, smirking.

Baekhyun grins, "Deal."

Chanyeol hands Baekhyun a piece of paper.

"What's this?" Baekhyun asks, unfolding the note.

"A guide. How to take care of my sister."

Baekhyun squints at the paper. "Number one: Make sure to cook her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No takeout, no delivery-she only accepts home-cooked meals."

He looks up at Chanyeol, incredulous. "You know I can't cook, right?"

Chanyeol scratches his head sheepishly. "She’s not picky. Just... try your best. She’ll eat whatever you make. Probably."

Baekhyun mutters under his breath, "Yeah, and probably critique it too."

"Number two: Stick with her during her random plans. Don't let her do things alone. Always accompany her. Is she a child?" Baekhyun questions, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Chanyeol’s expression turns serious. "I just don’t want anything to happen to her."

Baekhyun sighs, "Alright, I got it. But seriously, man, lighten up. What’s next?" He continues reading. "Number three: Don’t argue with her. She’s super stubborn, and you won't win. Just go along with it."

Baekhyun laughs. "This isn’t going to be easy, is it?"

Chanyeol only nods knowingly.

"Number four: She’s terrified of thunder and lightning. If she gets scared, she'll come to your room. Be ready."

Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol curiously. "Why is she afraid of thunder?"

Chanyeol shrugs. "That’s a long story. I’d need all night to explain."

"Okay, forget it," Baekhyun waves it off and continues. "Number five: Escort her to her 'so-called' job, and don't forget to pick her up afterward. This is the last one."

Chanyeol nods. "That’s it. Just don’t forget any of these, alright?"

The two friends exchange a high-five before Chanyeol leaves.


"Why Baekhyun?" you protest, eyes wide. "I don’t want to stay with him. He’s annoying!"

Chanyeol laughs even harder. "You really think Baekhyun’s that bad? I remember you two getting along just fine last time. Besides, it’s already decided. So be good, alright?" He pats your head before walking past you.

Fuming, you shout after him, "I really hate you, oppa! And your annoying best friend, too!"

Baekhyun, who had been standing just outside with some of the other members, overheard your outburst. Everyone burst out laughing except for Baekhyun, who just gave you a deadpan stare. Chanyeol scratched the back of his head, embarrassed by the scene.

"Uh... she’s just joking," Chanyeol mumbled, trying to save face as he glared at you.

You stuck your tongue out at him in response, then rolled your eyes at Baekhyun before storming out of the room, leaving the guys still chuckling behind you.

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