chapter 4

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(F/n) POV

Everything is warm around me and I could hear heavy walking and a dog barking?

Slowly getting out of my little slumber state of mind. I look around to find that I'm in someone house other than mine thankfully.

I large TV hanging over the fire place in front of me and stairs behind.

And I think a kitchen to my right? I SMELL FOOD!?

I get up taking the jacket with me and waddle to the part I think is the kitchen. AND I WAS RIGHT!

Peeping around the corner I see a very tall man cooking something. I slowly back up, getting scared of him seeing me.

I bumped into something while backing up. Looking behind me I see...

Ludwig POV

"AHHHHHHH! " I ran around the corner to see my dogs licking the giggling girl on the floor. "Hehehe! Stop" I let out a relief sigh knowing nothing bad happened.

The giggling stopped to silence. The little girl looking at me with fear showing in here eyes but not her body language.

"Hello little girl.." I said rubbing the back of my neck not sure how to speak to her. "Hello..." Said the (h/l) (h/c) girl, shaking on the spot.

I come up to her slowly and goes down to her level, "are you hungry?" I said looking at her thinking she need a bath after dinner too. She nods still holding on to my jacket.

Standing up tall and going back to cooking I could tell that (f/n) was watching me.

Waving her to come over. I pick her up and place her on top of the counter.

"Dinner will be done very so."

(A/n I'm failing at the story......
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