chapter 8

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Zayn POV

As soon as we finish dinner or lunch and getting rid of me at the park I still feel like there was not enough so I have to talk to my wife about

Zayn - baby do you have feelings like we're being watched

Pamela - yes I do and I can't shake that feeling no more it's pretty strange I must get back and finish doing the video cuz I got a female though they're definitely trying to wait for their moment

Zayn - good idea cuz we still have no clue who those are actual people aren't we thought it was likely that was The Mastermind but then we found out that she was just being played we have to be very careful

Pamela - yeah you're telling me we have to be very careful so come on I think we should leave right now and get back to your video and stuff and then head on home after that when we finish the work that I am getting just as with you because you and the kids are going to want to see us

Zayn - yes I can also say that you think of the right thing so come on let's go

Within left one that work on my video we were finally having a good time doing that the day we're bottling right now we're doing the coffee house scene where Jennifer is working is when the coffee workers in it and so is Nicole so that's going to be kind of fun for her to have a couple of her closest friends in the video with her and then we're going to do other things where we're going to have the other guys and popping and I have a feeling of you for golden and having my baby in the video with me

Hours later it was time for us to go home for the day we still have a few more days to finish working on the video because we have a few more locations but it's going to be great

Pamela - I am totally beat come on let's get home so we can spend some time with the kids and relax and everything before I have to get up early and go back to working on the show tomorrow and then meeting you again for another bit of this and I don't mind being your video I was really nervous about it at first but it's actually kind of fun especially because it's for you

Zayn - you know even with anxiety and everything I have you can actually help me get through it because of everything you do for me baby I love you so much and I come on you're right we need to go and spend some time with the kids before we go to bed because it's getting really late I just want to be able to hold you

Pamela - what are setting is time for us to go and change to a record close and everything before we leave and then tell everybody that we're going home for the day CC of them were on the set again and make sure the body gets ready to follow the course because we don't know where they had that really feeling earlier

Zayn - good idea and everything but you said you want to ride in the car with me going home what about your car

Paul - one of the bodyguards is going to drive her car right behind you that way I should be in the car with you and I feel a lot safer in the car or in the car with you is that way we won't have to cause you don't want the car not to when was a lot easier making sure you guys got home

Zayn - after all these years now we can still count on you I mean even though I left One Direction and you have been working with them for a while then I asked you if you needed a job and I heard you are working with me has one of my bodyguard team and now then going back with them later on you're going to working with them too because let's face it man you left cuz you hate it comes with modest just as much as I did

Paul - yeah there's just a lot going on with him I still work for signing and stuff and you sort of still do this when you would RCA it you are still some time and he still works with you for part of it

Zayn - yeah well I trust Simon I just never trusted anybody else and modest that's all because I mean they were the ones that was given the guys more to do than me I never had my say or nothing I was just like I felt like I was totally out of the loop in the beginning everything was great with One Direction but then when they came in it was just I didn't know which way to turn

Pamela - yeah well least you found yourself again and you and the guys are still on good terms and everything baby so you're doing great you're following your heart that's the best thing you can do you had to find yourself again and again that's one of the most perfect things you could ever do and I'm so proud of you

Paul - you got yourself a keeper there to not let that girl go all the other girls you were dating I was quite happy about wasn't a Perrie Edwards at First cuz she wasn't showing any signs of the way she was acting but then she's changed that's one thing I can honestly say your wife there's definitely someone that's going to stand by you I mean she's been with you thick and thin through it all since you met her on The Bachelor so I think that's the best move you make

Zayn - I don't think that's the best move I mean I know that's the best move on me because I got my baby

Pamela - yes that's definitely the best move you ever made so let's get out of here and get home before it's too late so I'm so tired I just want to relax from a long day at work and just be in your arms and not just that and you totally want to be home before we get followed or stalked again because I do not want to have those nightmares creeping back into my head tonight it had been too long and I'm just now starting to get rid of them I don't really want them to have to come back as it is

And what that we all went and got ready and left to go home because it was time for us to have a nice rest for the rest of the day but I can tell you one thing for sure if we're still being watched my brother have a lot more security and put up around my house and make sure that my kids and my wife are safe the way they're supposed to be and I'm definitely having more bodyguards around just until we can figure out who the real Mastermind sorry I'm not enough to be stupid and let my guard down not this time

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