(16) Mr. Bean

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So there's this transferee in my section, and he underestimates MY school. So I'm really pissed off right now. Like how dare he?

Anyways, thank you for the votes, reads, and comments!

Enjoy 😊


"Go on..." I muttered silently, taking a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"So first grade, I met this really chaotic and crazy girl. She had this curly short hair, pale skin, and cheeks that turns red when it's hot. She was clumsy, noisy and yeah, she was pretty. I got really attracted to her for some reason." He grinned toothily, before looking down. "I knew she was younger than me, how? I was her brother's best friend."

.... right...

"I loved her, and I kept it in silence. Anthony, his brother, noticed my affection for her. He threatened me to end our friendship and cut my balls off if I ask her out." He raised his head and faced me, "I was ready to die for her, but I can't..." I paused for a moment, "put my friendship at risk with his brother. I want to be on good terms with him so that when the right time comes, he'll accept me for her."


"I kept silent... Until she turned freshman in high school and boys of her age started hitting on her." He gritted his teeth, "Those boys dared to hit with my Beth. Those skanks."

My Beth? Aww...

"So I went against my best friend and her brother's order, which was to 'stay away from Beth'. I asked her out."

I can smell a Romeo and Juliet story coming up!

"But her brother saw us hang out together one day. He asks if something's going on with me and his sister and as his best friend, I can't lie. So I told him the truth." He chuckled non-humoristically, "I got a black eye from that... and lost my one love."

I ordered another glass of ice cream and nodded for him to continue.

"His brother threatened me to break up with her or else he would never take me as her possible future husband. He said that he'd only allow her to date when she's in college already. Thus the reason why I'm here right now." He looked at me with fire in his eyes, "I'm taking her now."

"But that doesn't erase the fact that you rubbed it in her face! You sent her pictures of you with probably slutty girls!"

He asked, "What?"

"You know, the college photo with Anthony." I think Beth's brother's name is Anthony...

His eyes widened and realization dawned in his eyes. "Wha-? No, those were my cousins! They're older than me!"

"So... it technically wasn't your fault..." I muttered, finishing the 2nd and probably last glass of ice cream I got.

"Who's ever fault it is, blame everything to me. I made the choice. It was me who chose that path, not anyone else."

"But you had to! You were forced to!" I grabbed his hands and raised it up. "EXPLAIN THIS TO HER!"

He shook his head, "That's the thing, she wouldn't even look at me."

"I'll help you then." I smiled, "I, Vanchel Ammarati, promise that."

He stood up, walked beside me, and gave me a tight hug. "Thank you, Vanch!"

Maybe it's time to stop giving him special treatments.

"No problem, Mr. Bean."

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