Guess who's getting oooold~

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I'M HITTING THE BIG ONE EIGHT SOON AND I'M SCARED YET EXCITED THE SAME TIME! I've been here in wattpad for a long time and I'm planning to stay 💕

Here's a message for crazeeps 😘 Love you!

5 days before I turn into a werewolf/vampire/demogorgon, I would like to thank God for making me stumble to this wonderful site called Wattpad 6 years ago. I want to thank Him for giving me a gift that can make other people happy, or let them go to their own little world. I've always been insecure with my writings, english is not my first language. So to tell a story, let alone to write it, was really difficult for me -it still is now, but I'm way more confident compared to my first few drafts 😂 Because of wattpad, I've signed exclusive contracts for two of my books, I've written declamation pieces that helped a lot of students 😂, one of my poems are published (paperback), and I've made hundreds of thousands of people smile and honestly, that's what made me going 😭 When life gets hard, I look through those motivating comments and I thank God for having such marvelous readers! Thank you so much for reading my cringey books! I LOVE YOU CRAZEEPS! *virtually hugs them* -PS, I'll try to update soon 😂😘

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