Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- The Truth
Henry stared at me.  "You mean, my dad's alive?"
"But how? I was at his funeral, I saw him dead, we all helped bury him."
"From what I've heard, someone turned him into a new Dark One. They resurrected him somehow after your mom and Killian got rid of the darkness last year.  We've been camping out in a secret place in New York."
"How do you know about my mom and Killian?"
"It was in one of my lessons that he taught me.  It was called a History Of Storybrooke And The Enchanted Forest."
"He gave you classes?"
"Oh, yeah, everyone there gets classes."
"There's more than just you?"
"Oh, I left out a part.  He kidnaps a ton of kids like the way he did me.  There's thousands."
"Yes, which is why we have to protect you.  They're after you, I don't know why, but I was supposed to bring you to New York."
"So, who exactly did you betray here?"
"Neal, obviously.  I care about you, I figured you would be some sorry sucker, like his victims usually are, but you changed me."
"What about that contract?"
Oh, right.  That.
"I'm not sure.  I think I just killed myself, because only a couple people have ever gone against their contract, and they all died."
"Well, I'll protect you like you'll protect me."
"It takes a lot of courage to go against the Dark One.  And I can't believe it was because of me."
"I thought you were the Truest Believer."
"Exactly, so that says a lot."
Later, Henry and I walked home, without saying a word.  It was awkward, because in truth, no one could tell whether I liked him this whole time or not.  Even if I knew, nobody else would understand.
When we got to the door, we weren't exactly sure what to do.  We hadn't talked, so we couldn't come up with a plan of what we would say. 
"You want me to go first?" I asked.
"That's fine."  he responded.
Hesitantly, I opened the door, where Emma was the only one downstairs, sipping the sweet smell of hot chocolate and cinnamon.
"You like hot chocolate with cinnamon, too?" I asked.
"Yeah, finally someone other than me and Henry."
I took a deep breath.  I had started the conversation by getting on her good side, so I figured there was no better way to tell her.
"I have something to tell you."
"Oh my god, you're not pregnant, are you?"
"What, no! It has nothing to do with me and Henry!"
She gave a deep, relieved sigh.  "Oh, thank god."
"It's just, this whole time I haven't been completely honest with you."
"I knew it!" she exclaimed.  Wow, that superpower does great things.
"Neal'saliveandIwassortakidnappedbyhimbecausenowhesthedarkoneandwasresurrectedsomehowbysomeevilguyandhemademekillmyparentsandishousingthousandsofkidsandteachingthemhowtobedarkwizardsorsomethinglikethatandiwasoneofthemandhesentmeonamissiontokidnaphenrybutidecidednottobecauseireallyreallylikehim!"  I blurted out.
Emma dropped her hot chocolate on the floor, and the mug cracked.
"How the hell is that even possible?" she said.
I was about to answer but was interrupted by another voice coming from the stairs.
"It doesn't matter, but what matters is now you are all in danger.  Of me."
I turned around to see Neal, with a force-choking grip on Killian's neck.

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