Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- The Other Backstory
I was a huge nerd at my school.  War And Peace?  Read it.  Lord of the Flies? Read it.  A Wrinkle in Time?  Read it like nothing.  So you can imagine I didn't have a lot of friends, so every chance of popularity, I took.
"Bethany, are you reading those stupid books again?"  said this really annoying girl named Alex.  Yes, this is the same Alex we all know and (not) love.
"They're not stupid, they're Harry Potter.  Did you know, every second, someone picks up a Harry Potter book?"
"Umm... yeah that's great.  You know, I'm sick and tired of you ignoring us.  You didn't do my science homework because you were reading Harry Potter.  You didn't do my English homework because you were reading Harry Potter.  And you didn't do my history homework because you were reading Harry Potter.  When will you get your priorities straight?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm a bit busy doing other things, like doing my homework."
"Bethany, I'm failing because of you."
"No, you're the one who's too lazy to do your own homework."
"Listen here, I will not fall for your laziness, not mine, yours."
"How is it my laziness?"
"Because at least while I'm not doing my homework, I'm doing volunteer work at the animal shelter."
"Really?  I just went there last Thursday and I didn't see you there."
"I don't work there on Thursdays."
"Then do your homework on Thursdays."
"No, I'm too tired from volunteering on Thursdays, so I rest.  It's just easier to have you do it."
"The right way is not always the easy way."
"Don't go all Shakespeare on me, just do what you're told."
"Shakespeare didn't say that, Margaret Chase Smith did."
"How about no?"
Next thing I knew, a screaming match had just become a war.  Alex was punching me left and right, and I really did wish I hadn't rebelled, I would've had so many more friends.  Meanwhile, her friends and some others were cheering her on, and laughing every time I was hurt.  It was disgusting.  I barely had any energy left, but I knew I couldn't just stand there.  So I punched her in the nose and ran to the bus stop so I could go home.
Nobody was at the bus stop, since I missed it, so I went to the public stop instead.  There, it was just me, and some other man.
"I saw what happened over there," he said under his hooded face.  "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine,"  I said, but really, I was bleeding everywhere.
He came closer.  "Let me help you," he insisted.
"It's fine, really,"  But he just kept coming closer.  Soon, he was touching me, and before I knew what was happening, my cuts began to glow, and suddenly, they were healed.  Just like that.  There was no explanation.  Just magic.  
"How- how did you-"  I stuttered.  I was in awe.  I had never seen magic before. 
"I'll show you," he said.
There was a cloud of gray smoke.  It circled all around us.  We weren't at the bus stop anymore.  We were in a room with red carpets, and dimly lit torches, and red curtains (which was strange, because there were no windows).  In rows, there were bookshelves, with at least thousands of books.  It was heaven for me, but considering the circumstances, I was in hell. 
"What is this place?  How did we get here?"
"This is my library, and I took you here with an easy transportation spell that I will teach you soon enough."
"But that's impossible.  There's no such thing as magic."
"Is there now?" he said.  He sounded very unsurprised.
"Well, unless that's what you just did, with my cuts, I mean."
"Ah, very good.  I can see you are turning out to be a smart student of mine."
"I'm no student, and as I admit that was a cool trick you did there, I want you to take me home."
"Why would I do that?  The reason I went to the bus stop in the first place was for you."
"For me?"
"Well, isn't it obvious?  Why else would I go to a bus stop if I can just appear wherever I want?"
"Ok, but what do you want from me?"
"Actually, there's a little something you want from me."
"There is?"
"Well, I know that the truth is that they are not my friends, and if I want popularity, I should look somewhere else."
"Very true, but not what I'm going after.'
"Then what?"
"Your parents are lying to you."
"What?  No they're not.  They're the most honest people I know."
He laughed.  And I mean he actually, full-out laughed.
"I can show you."
All of a sudden, there was another woman there.  She had red hair like mine, but a very scared expression on her face.  Not that I blame her.
"Do you know this woman?"  he asked me.
"No,"  I said.  "Can I go now?"
"One moment," he said.  "Do you know this girl?"  he said to the woman.
"I'm sorry, but I can't say I do."
"Do you know what happened to your daughter after you gave her away?"
"I hope my parents have been taking care of her."
"They have, but they left out one teensy-weensy detail. The truth."
"You mean, they haven't told her?"
The man smiled.  "Meet,"  he gestured to me, "your daughter."
"Wait," I looked at the man,  "are you saying that this woman is my mom?"
"Precisely,"  said the man.  The woman just stared.  "Is this really her?"  she asked.  "Of course," said the man.
"You mean after all this time," the woman started but she was interrupted once more. 
"Yes, yes, I know, this all doesn't make any sense, but you're related, trust me."
"My parents-"
"Grandparents, actually, lied."
"Not possible."
"Ask them!  Trust me, one of them's bound to come up with a great answer."
"You said you wanted to go home, didn't you?"
"Yes, but-"
"Then off we go!"  And the gray smoke was back, this time transporting me to the door to my apartment.  I took a deep breath and opened it.
"Oh thank goodness you're home, when you didn't come off the bus I was worried sick, in fact I was just about to call the police-"
"Mom, someone told me an interesting story, that you and dad are my grandparents,"
"Who told you that?" asked my mom, suddenly looking feverish.
"Some guy at the bus stop, I didn't see his face though."
"Oh my god, someone is-"  she stopped, then said, "telling you nonsense, go start on your homework."
Just then, my dad opened the door.
"Dad, is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"Are you really my grandparents?"
He looked at my mom, then looked at me.
"Yes," he said.
I gaped at my mom.  "You lied to me?!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't want you knowing-"
"But you've both been lying to me, my whole life-"
"Technically since you turned two."
"It doesn't matter,"  I said.  I went to go cut the potatoes my mom was preparing for dinner, since cooking was one of my hobbies at the time.
"SHUT UP!!!"  I said.  Without thinking, I threw the knife in anger, but...  it mistakenly was thrown in the direction of my mother, and killed her.  On the spot.   Dead.  I stared.  What had I done?  I began to sob.  I had just killed my own mother.
"Bethany, did you-"
"YES!!!" I screamed.  Then when you think that things couldn't possibly be any worse, my dad fell to the floor when a ray of purple shot out of my head.  Magic.
"Dad?"  I cried.  "Dad, are you ok?"
He never answered. I had killed both my parents within a course of thirty seconds.  I sobbed, and didn't stop sobbing until I heard a knock at the door.  I worried it was the police, so I didn't answer.
"OPEN THE DOOR!" a voice shouted.  Before I could answer, the door flew open, and the man was standing right there.
"You-" I started, "You did this to me," and the man just smiled.
"You did this to yourself."
"But if you hadn't come along, then you wouldn't have screwed everything up!"
"You know, you'll have to come with me now,"
"Why would I do that?"
"Because now, you'll be taken to JAIL, and then you'll be put into FOSTER CARE."
"So you're saying to avoid that, I hide in your tiny cave?"
"Oh, trust me, it's not tiny, that was just one room."
"Ok, why should I believe you?"
"Because I'm your only chance of staying safe."
So that's what happened.  He took me to the lair, had me sign the contract that I only signed because I was desperate, and turned into an evil mastermind.  And now, I told all of this to Henry, right then and there.  I eventually figured out that the whole time, Alex was pretending to be a bully, but that just made me hate her more.
Now the only person I hated more than her, is the one that fathered my only love.

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