Chapter III

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"So in this case, what we have to find is the amount of particles that the substance is made of. Remember, the main goal of this situation, and any similar one, is, in simple terms, to break down things as much as we can to find out what matter it's made of."

I quickly scribbled down notes as my professor explained to us the lesson. My class was a larger one today, since the class was taught lecture style. Usually, I payed attention to everything my professor would say; nothing would distract me. But today, that wasn't the case. What I thought last night ended up happening. Bucky was distracting me.

I had gotten up earlier this morning to get ready. Usually, I didn't care too much about my appearance; as long as I was presentable, I was okay. But today, the thought of Bucky picking me up from school got me all jittery. I didn't want to feel uncomfortable, so I settled for a nice navy blue dress and matching shoes. I put on my usual makeup, which wasn't very much; I just applied some mascara and a red lipstick. My mom hadn't really liked the red color when I began applying makeup, but I liked it and it soon became one of my favorite lip colors.

Glancing at the clock for what seemed the hundredth time the past class period, I saw that there was two minutes left of class. It was the last class of the day, so the nervous feeling I'd been pushing down suddenly came to me, and my breath caught in my throat. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the professor and tried to concentrate for the last couple of minutes.

After what seemed like two hours instead of two minutes, the bell rang and class was over. I rushed to put my things away into my backpack before slipping the straps over my shoulder. I began to exit the building, and I glanced over to where I'd agreed to meet Bucky at; the reason I'd told him to meet me there was because it was close to my classroom, so if he wasn't there I could stay in my class and wait. There wasn't any need for me to wait, though, since standing by the stairs stood no other than Bucky Barnes. If I thought he'd looked handsome last night, today he was dashing.

He was looking around when I approached him. I came up from his right side, and his wandering eyes caught a sight of me. His face lit up as a smile bloomed on his face, and I gave him a shy smile as I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Hey, doll." He opened his arms and engulfed me in a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, so it's definitely nice to see you."

I laughed as we pulled away. "It's nice to see you too," I said as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

We had some small talk as we began to walk over to where I presumed his car was parked. He asked me about my day and I asked him about his. We got into his car and he began driving. Soon, he parked in a small street by small shops where we got off and began walking again.

"I hope you like coffee," Bucky said as we walked down the street.

I had my arm linked with his and I couldn't take the smile off my face. "I love coffee."

"Well, I know just the place."

We came to a stop in front of a small coffee shop. Bucky opened the door for me and a small jingle came from the door. Inside, the room smelled of coffee beans and desserts. I closed my eyes and smiled, taking in all the scents.

"It smells really nice," I said.

Bucky came up next to me and he nodded. "I know. This is one of the best places there is. Here, let's take a seat."

We chose a table by the window to sit down and Bucky pulled my chair for me to sit on. We got settled in and picked up the small menu set in front of us. A waitress came after a few minutes and took our order.

"So, Eva," Bucky said as we waited for our coffee, "tell me about yourself."

"Well what do you want to know?"

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