Chapter V

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Sorry in advance for the long chapter!

My mom shook her head for what seemed like the hundredth time that afternoon. "I don't think you're thinking this through, Eva."

"This is all I think about, especially since that day we first discussed this."

"I agree with your mother. You've known the man for what? Two months?" My dad looked at me with his arms crossed, and my brother stood behind him with his hand over his mouth as he gave me a sad look.

"It really seems like you've been paying attention to me, dad," I mumbled sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter, anyway. We just don't think you should be with him."

"But it's not up to you two to decide. I love him and he loves me, so we'll be in this relationship because it's what we want."

"What did you say? That you love him?" I nodded, earning a groan from my dad. "Don't say that. You don't know what that is."

It was my turn to groan in frustration. "I didn't know what it was; now I do know, and I know that's what I feel for Bucky."

"You're too young to love him!"

"Come on, dad. You're acting like she's still 16," Ean said in an attempt to help me.

"She is too young, though. She says she loves him because she doesn't know what she wants; she's naive, so she assumes she loves him."

"That's what I don't understand. How do you expect me to learn what it is to love or to have a heartbreak or to mess up in a relationship if you won't allow me to be in one?" I tried to keep my voice calm, but I failed as my voice wavered in the end.

"We're just being realistic, Eva. Why would he want to date you? That's what indicates to me that this isn't going to work out."

My brother looked shocked at my mom's words. "Is that what this is about?" he asked. "You don't think Eva is his type of girl?"

"Ean, this is not your problem."

"It is because she's my sister. Look, Eva is a great woman; she's been through a lot when it's come to her education, yet she doesn't let anything stop her. I think she deserves someone who values her, and it's not our place to say whether Bucky is or is not that someone." My dad was about to say something when Ean interrupted him. "Dad, really. You two were younger than she is when you got married, so I'm sure she can have a boyfriend and even love the guy. Now, I think Eva should get home before it gets darker than it already is."

I looked at Ean as I saw him grab the keys to his car; I looked over to my parents to see they were already on their way to their room. Unsure of myself, I slipped on my coat and followed Ean out the door.

"Thank you, Ean. Again."

"Stop thanking me, Eva," he said with a chuckle. We slipped into his car and he started the engine, pulling up onto the street in the direction of my apartment. "Just that I know you know what you want in a relationship. I know that you don't want something like what my parents have or something like Aldana and I have. You want something different where you and your partner will be equal, regardless of gender or education."

"It seems as if you've been listening to my talks with Steve."

My response earned another laugh from him and he nodded. "Yes, I actually did get this knowledge from one day that Steve and you were out in the patio."

"You have no shame." I said in mock astonishment.

Ean laughed again and shook his head. "You shouldn't have spoken so loud, then."

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