Chapter-1 {Other side of the fence}

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"Hello Mrs. Murthy," an old man wished the mother as soon as they entered the boundary of town hall.

 Consecutive 7th day of welfare meeting headed by wife of minister in this hour of dark, Nandini was more than happy to accompany her mother. After all, her mother had taken this big responsibility to put a mask of placid. Even Nandini wouldn't have known if she hadn't known her mother too well. Walking beside her, seeing those eyes around; eyes full of fear, hope and questions, even she had shivered many a times. People would look down as soon as she would look deep into their eyes but she did sense ire in them.

"We stand together in this hour of need. We stand united as this is our biggest strength," Her Mother concluded her speech and the hall got filled with extol.

Why all of this sounded so shallow? She wondered. Her mother clutched her hand and started walking towards exit. Her mother dragged her away from crowd while she was busy reading her people's eyes. She was scared all of sudden. Yes, she was. There was something in those eyes which made her soul shiver.

As soon as they got out, something hit her mother's head and she flinched. Blood oozed out of her forehead.

"Mother, are you alright?" Nandini asked quivering. 

Before she could register anything further, she and her mother were being dragged towards car by guards and there was a stampede around. Screeches pierced through her ears and tears rolled down her cheeks.

She looked at her mother who was trying to cover her even when she was in immense pain herself. Their car started to move and she could see bricks, burning bottles and ashes coming towards them. She closed her eyes. A few pebbles hit their car and glass was all over seat. She looked at her mother who was equally baffled. Those screaming faces around were full of rage, did she know them? They were her own people!


Reaching their mansion, first thing she did was dressing her mother's wound.

"Nandini, I am fine," Her Mother told her for the nth time. Nandini looked into her eyes and Mrs. Murthy looked away.

Nandini held her hand and asked,"When would father return, Mother?" 

Her Mother had no answer. Her recorded lies had become useless on Nandini. She wouldn't buy them and Mrs. Murthy knew it.

"Ma'm...," a panicked maid cut their conversation. 

"What happened, Samantha?" Mother asked. 

"Ma'm, we are under attack. They are here," she answered.

In no time, both of them were taken out of their mansion. Nandini looked at her home from the back seat of their car. It was on fire. She saw masked men pointing towards their car and she shivered. There was sheer violence the way they looked at her.

"Hurry up," she asked driver. Mrs Murthy asked the guard where they would be taken to.

"Refugee camp?" Mrs Murthy almost shouted knowing their destination. 

"What's the issue, mother?" Nandini asked. Her mother looked terrified for some reason. She fumbled as soon as she tried to answer a perplexed Nandini. 

"Honey, I am not sure if it is a good idea to go there," she could manage to utter. Her smile was hollow and eyes full of fears. 

Nandini sighed and said, "we would be just fine there, After all, it's our people there."

Rest of journey was quiet. Nandini could tell how her mother was getting anxious with each mile they covered. She looked outside and tried to find answers. Answers which her mother wouldn't give and she didn't know how to know. Frozen cold mountains, her eyes followed the endless view. She rubbed her forearms as temperature was dropping with each passing moment.

"Are we there yet?" Nandini asked the driver.

Few more miles, she sighed listening an equal cold answer. Her mother clutched her hand and Nandini looked at her. She looked illegible, Nandini could not word properly what was it that was bothering her mother. Her mother looked pale.

"What it is,mother? Nandini asked. Mrs. Murthy kept looking at her lovingly. There was this helplessness on her face.

"Promise me something."

Nandini turned completely towards her mother. She was attentive.

"Promise me, if ever anything happens to me; you would survive," Mrs. Murthy uttered.

Nandini's forehead had formed fine lines till the moment. "What are you...,"

"I don't know why I am saying all this, Nandini," Mrs. Murthy said cutting Nandini off in between.

"Just remember, you have to survive," she added looking firmly into her eyes.

Nandini looked away not being able to accept her mother's plea. She didn't know anything anymore. She didn't realize when tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped them away before her mother could notice them. Something unknown was staring at her and she had no idea what demon it was. Her mother was scared for something but she wouldn't divulge it to her. She had to be the most clueless person.

Her nostrils caught some fine smell. Maybe they were there. Their car took the muddy way down and she could see numbers of tents as far as she could see.

Her palms were getting sweaty. Her mother held her hand tightly as soon as they started walking towards a big gate. Men in uniform were escorting them. Nandini could feel strange vibe around.

Yes, she was nervous. The girl who never stepped out in public except for annual day when she would walk beside her minister father, was walking a muddy way. She was about to enter an area she had never been to.

As soon as they crossed the last fence, she saw numerous eyes on her. There she stood in front of her people holding her mother's hand, she sighed one last time and started walking.

Those eyes looked eerie as she looked in them while they made a way for them. They sought answers.

A Few parting to give them a way, a few blocking them, Nandini looked up immediately. She for sure was shocked seeing this side of fence. She looked at her mother who had her eyes gazing ground.

Started as a feeling, grown into a word; she heard a mob speaking in next few seconds and they stood deaf, perplexed and still.


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