Chapter-67 {Surfacing wounds}

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Hustle-bustle in the corridor made Nandini hold files in her hand tightly. She could see how council was a busy place this morning. Veer wished her good morning as he joined her. They both hurried towards the conference hall to meet the people who couldn't wait to sideline Nandini after this formality of meeting. Almost everyone of them was sure how girl was an amateur and couldn't present a consolidated plan.

Door opened and she entered the hall. Hustle died as she proceeded towards her seat. She could see people gazing her amused as she settled the files on table.


Veer spoke and each one of them geared up for the upcoming procedure.

"As discussed before, today Ms Murthy would be presenting the plan of action and I would really appreciate if we could keep our minds and hearts open."

He spoke lacing the slight plea in professional disclaim. He knew it was important how Nandini remained a part of their battle against the dictator. Without her, they could never draw that barbaric dictator's attention.

Nandini interlaced her fingers and pressed her palms against each other.

"Last time when I spoke about taking back what's ours, I guess I sounded like someone you couldn't believe. I found out how I might be a little vague," Nandini spoke and then sighed deep. Her eyes roamed around the room and found Manik standing at farthest corner with his arms folded across his chest.

One look of him and she knew she could pull it off.

"I have met that monster and I have seen how he operates. I have seen how deep his claws are and how equipped he is for rebellions like us. We having an army of our own, trust me he isn't going to be surprised. He must have figured out how east could huddle up against him one day or another."

She spoke firmly while her palms rested against the table now. They were sweaty.

"He is expecting a war and if we are going to give him one at his terms, trust me we are no better than those who are beneath the ground," She added and then looked at those grave faces. She couldn't make out if those prodigies were mocking her or were genuinely in a thought.

"So we gather here to know how war is still not an option because this kid here thinks we are not enough. For Lord's sake, we are an army of thousands," One of businessmen spoke out loud and something banged loudly somewhere.

Everyone's gaze travelled to find the source and stopped at a man who had shut the door with a force so loud. It was Manik. He glared the man who had tried to mock Nandini while others tried to pardon the uncivilized being.

"An army of thousands is nothing in front of an army of countless," Nandini drew back everyone's attention and Manik again leaned against the wall. He liked it when she talked.

"What an exaggeration! Staying as a hostage to that dictator doesn't tell you all this," That man ridiculed the idea.

"Staying far away and knowing nothing doesn't tell you either," Manik spoke carelessly and all heads turned to him again.

"Have you ever seen starving people, Reddy?" Manik asked and that aged man furrowed his brows hinting at various objections.

"Who is this annoying man?" He asked baffled while Nandini scratched her temple. She could feel her nerves going taut.

"Someome who has seen it more than you," Nandini mumbled and again all the eyes traveled back to her.

"Have you ever seen starving people, Mr Reddy? People who could do anything for a rotten piece of bread. People who would slit throats for warm clothes. People who would turn enemies to their own state to save their childr..." She kept on saying until the last brutal reality struck her hard.

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