Katya Rivera: Fighting The Hardest

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Sometime during the night, I'd fallen asleep and when I woke up, Alice and Zeke were nowhere in the vehicle. I immediately shot up, about to wake everyone up when I heard singing above me.

I strained my ears and made out Alice's small voice mixed in with Kohta's as they sang an old nursery rhyme.

Kohta made the mistake of adding something about guns into the mix and I chuckled quietly as Saya tore into him with some pretty hurtful words while Alice giggled and Zeke let out a bark.

I sat down and relaxed against the seat, relieved to know where Alice was. My eyes fell in front of me and I smiled when I saw Saeko and Quin asleep, Saeko's head on his chest and his arm around her. Yup. The Saequin vibes were beyond strong.

My eyes fell on the other two occupants of the vehicle who were also sleeping and my smile fell. Rei's head was against Takashi's shoulder and he was holding her hand.

I recalled their kiss and an uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of my stomach making me avert my eyes from them. Instead I turned around and climbed into the front seat of the vehicle beside Shizuka. She looked tired but her eyes were in front of her, alert and focused.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" I asked her softly careful not to startle her or something.

"I'm fine," she said giving me a smile before looking back to the front.

"If you need me to take over just say the word," I joked, "I'm pretty handy in Need For Speed."

She giggled quietly before pausing for a moment a thoughtful look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her in concern.

"I had the strangest dream about you last night!" She exclaimed, "I dreamt that I kissed you!"

My eyes widened and I almost choked on my own saliva. My face went red.

"Or was that real?" She mumbled putting a finger to her lip in thought.

"No!" I quickly exclaimed, "It was just a dream! Completely a dream. Haha. Just a silly old dream...ha...ha..."

Shizuka looked at me for a moment and I tensed. Then she shrugged and glanced back to the front, focusing on something only she could see and I let out a sigh of relief. I heard Quinton's voice and turned back in time to see his feet disappearing through the roof where Saya was.

My eyes fell on Takashi and Rei and I saw Takashi's eyes starting to open so I quickly turned back to the front.

Moments later my heart leapt to my throat and I barely held in a squeak of surprise when Quinton popped his head between Shizuka and me and spoke, "How are you two holding up?"

Shizuka mumbled, "Fine," and kept on staring ahead and I got the feeling there was something in her mind.

Quin turned to me and asked, "How about you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. The question is: are you OK? Saeko was pretty worried last night," I told him and smirked when he tried and failed to hide a grin.

"It seems like you and Saeko had a girl talk," he mumbled still grinning.

I returned his grin and nodded, "Yup. But I'm not saying what was said. Although I can say that you two would have a nice name if put together," I said cheekily.

He rose an eyebrow questioningly a small smile on his face. I laughed at his expression and revealed, "It's Saequin. Kinda catchy, no?"

Quin chuckled but whatever he was about to say was cut off by a loud thud and the vehicle being jarred a bit.

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