Sleepy Flower Boy Taking Pictures

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The sound of a soft click and a bright flash pulled me from my sleep, a hushed 'oops' catching me off guard as I slowly peeled my eyes open to find a beautiful blushing boy laying across from me. It took me a few seconds to register the cellphone gripped tightly in the boys hands, tucked underneath his chin, and another few seconds to realize what it was that must have woken me up. One quick glance, from the phone too Tyler's shit eating grin, confirmed my suspicions and I frowned tiredly up at the boy.

"Delete it." I yawned, rubbing at my eyes groggily. I could feel the bed shift beside me as Tyler shook his head and pulled the covers up over his entire body, hiding underneath the comforter as I turned to glare at him sleepily.

"But it's cute.." Tyler mumbled, stuffing his head out from beneath the blankets to peer up at me. "you're cute." He stated. I couldn't fight the grin making its way across my face as I watched him turn around and place his cellphone on the night stand beside the bed.

"Oh really now?" I mumbled, my words laced heavily with amusement as I rolled over to drape my arms across Tylers small frame still bundled up in the blankets. His cheeks felt warm under my palms as I pulled his face in for a quick kiss, my lips brushing over his in a swift exchange.

"Really." Tyler giggled, nudging his nose against mine.

"You're so adorable." I drawled tiredly, my hands slipping to grip at the back of Tylers neck, fingers brushing through his soft hair in the process. "And amazing." I continued, grinning as I watched Tyler lift up the blankets to invite me under with him. Without hesitation I slotted my legs between his, pulling the smaller boy closer and relishing in the way his body clung to mine.

"Keep going.." Tyler murmured, nuzzling his cheek against my neck as he placed gentle kisses along my collar bone. I hummed in approval of the contact and opened my mouth to continue.

"You're also spoiled." I chuckled lightly, resulting in a giggle from Tyler as he reached his hand out to pinch at my bare stomach.

"Hey," Tyler pouted.

"It's true though.." I stated, tightening my grip around the boy as he made to move away. "And you know it." I placed a gentle kiss along Tylers jaw as he nodded his head and grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah.. Ok, it kinda is true." He admitted, peering up at me through his eyelashes as he drew his bottom lip in between his teeth. "But you're the one that spoils me."

I grinned knowingly at his words, because yeah, I spoiled him all the time.

"You're my baby boy though, how can I not spoil you?" I leaned down and pressed my lips against his, smiling to myself as Tyler shrugged his shoulders in response. "Exactly." I murmured. I sighed in content as I nuzzled my nose against the side of Tyler's head, breathing in deeply.

"Hey, Josh?" Tyler mumbled quietly.

"Yeah?" I shifted Tyler against my side, pulling back slightly to peer down at his red cheeks and closed eyes.

"I'm tired." He whined.

I chuckled lightly, brushing my finger tips through his hair.

"Then go to sleep." I allowed my eyes to drift shut and a yawn to escape from between my parted lips as I adjusted the blankets around Tyler and I. I smiled in content as Tyler rested his head against my chest, his small hands wrapping around my waste as he got comfortable.

"Goodnight Ty." I chuckled, placing a kiss to his forehead as he sighed tiredly.

"Goodnight Jish."

flower boy. //Joshler AUWhere stories live. Discover now