Chapter 9

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"So what’s up?" I turned towards Jessie after splashing water on my face.

"Do you have deodorant in your bag?" I asked.

“Seriously, you dragged me out of assembly to ask me if I have deodorant”

“No, I but I need to tell you something.”

"omigod you're a lesbian. I knew it, your finally coming out of the closet. No wonder you don't go out with boys. Does your dad know about this? Because if he doesn’t you gotta.."

"LAUREN! STOP!” I exclaimed, praying no one was in the toilet stalls. “I am NOT a lesbian. This is something to do with the dead body that everyone is talking about.” I whisper quietly.

“okay” she sat on one of the toilet seats waiting patiently for me to speak

“Last night I had a fight with my dad and I went out of the house to let of some steam. But then I heard some dude threatening some women. So I hid behind a bush so they wouldn’t see me and before I knew it, I heard a loud bang so I did the first thing I could think of and that was to leg it."

"You what?” Jessie got up from the toilet seat and walked towards me.

"Last night-."

"I know what you said I mean what are you going to do? You’re going to go to the police right?"

"I don't know! I mean should I go?" I ask her

"Yes! I mean you could be the only person to solve this and maybe you could get your reputation back."

"Huh-I didn’t think of it like that."



“Do you remember last year what happened? Everyone thought you had something to do with it. If you tell the sheriff, somehow one of the school kids are going to find out and tell everyone at school and it will be a repeat of last year. I mean do you really want to go through with it again” she asked

"Yeah, but this time it’s different." I argued

“Really, is it?” she questions

“Well I don’t know, just a minute ago you told me I should come clean and now you’re telling me I shouldn’t.”

"How about I go to your house after school and we’ll talk about it properly and here." she handed me her deodorant and I sprayed some on me before opening the door. Just then I remembered and turned to Jessie “Jess, what did you mean when you said you knew I was gay?”




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