Louis Tomlinson: Forever and Always

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okay so i put this one on my other account so i thought i would post it on here too


5 minutes to go before the concert.

I approach Mia seeing the frown turning into a fake smile hoping to convince me she is ok but it doesn’t work. I pull her into my arms press my lips to her forehead before pressing them against her lips. She kisses back but in a way that tells me something is not right.

“Hey... You all right? You don’t quite seam yourself at the moment.”

Awkwardly, she pulls away and takes a step back. I take a step toward her closing the gap and rest my hand on her shoulder, comforting her.

 “What’s happened? Is it me? Did I do something wrong?” she shakes her head still refusing to speak.

“Tell me. Mia please whatever it is you can tell me.”

“It's nothing. I’m fine.” She kisses me hoping, trying to convince me she is ok once again but just like the last time it doesn’t work.

2 minutes to go. Boys to the left side of the stage.

The familiar voice comes over the speakers. I grab Mia’s hand and lead her over to the side of the stage.

“Mia are you sure you’re going to be ok?”

She nods and I kiss her once more then head over to Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn. Liam. Harry looks over at Mia then at me with a confused look on his face. I reply with a confused look of my own. 

“What Hazza? Why you looking at me like that?”

He doesn’t reply he just nods his head towards Mia. I look back to see her standing there with tears flooding her eyes I look back at harry nodding in thanks before running over to Mia hoping to find out why she is crying. I pull her into my arms allowing her to cry on my chest, stroking her back in an attempt to comfort her, to maybe calm her down a little. I lift up her chin to look at me, wipe away most of her tears and kiss her forehead all the while telling her it’s ok everything is fine.

“Hey, hey, hey, shhhh don’t cry it’s all right. What’s wrong baby girl?”

“Nothing,” she sniffs and wipes the rest of her tears with her sleeve.

“We can talk about it later”

“Just tell me what’s wrong Mia; I don’t like seeing you cry you know that. Maybe I can help.”

“It's nothing we can talk about it later just go and enjoy your show. The fans are waiting.” I look out to the stage knowing I can’t concentrate if I know there is something bothering her.

“Mia please just tell me what’s wrong I can’t enjoy anything knowing you’re not happy or that something is bothering you enough to cry over.”

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