Chapter 3 *Kissed by Malfoy*

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Lily's POV

We didn’t have to move out of the classroom for our second period class which was Defence Against the Dark Arts because Professor Snape was also teaching it. “You have already done this but our fears change within time and we have to learn to conquer them in this wardrobe there is a Boggart everyone will get the chance to do so how about you go first Mr Longbottom,” Professor Snape said. Neville nodded and stood up as Professor Snape unlocked the wardrobe letting the Boggart out. The Boggart took the shape of Professor Snape oh Neville still hasn’t gotten over his fear. “Ridikulus!” shouted Neville as the boggart appeared in his grandmother’s clothes. I couldn’t hold in my laughter any longer I exploded and was joined by the rest of the class. Professor Snape expression on his face was so funny. “Your turn now Mr Malfoy!” said Professor Snape. I chuckled this is going to be good. Draco stood up and Professor Snape let the Boggart out. It took the form of Pansy Parkinson? “Ridikulus!” shouted Draco and Pansy was dressed in Professor Dumbledore’s clothing. I was the first one who burst out laughing then the whole class erupted. “Miss Granger you’re next,” said Professor Snape. Hermione approached the boggart slowly and it turned into Professor Mcgonagall telling Hermione that she failed everything, Hermione eyes started watering but she kept strong and yelled “Ridikulus!” the boggart was now covered in chocolate frogs. Harry started laughing and so did everyone else.

“Miss Potter, your turn!” He yelled. I slowly stood up and approached the Boggart it turned into my worst nightmare Voldemort. I gasped and glanced at Tom who looked just as surprised as I did. I started to hyperventilate I couldn’t do anything my body was numb and I was freaking out. The boggart started approaching me closer and closer. Everything started spinning and all I could see was black. 

I awoke on a bed and was surrounded by other students, I must be in the hospital wing I thought. I was about to sit up when

Madam Pomfrey stopped me, “Stay where you are darling and drink this,” she said handing me a weird looking liquid. I shot her a smile and gulped down the drink, I scrunched up my nose it tasted horrible. “You didn’t expect pumpkin juice now did you,” she stated helping another patient. I sprawled out onto the bed and closed my eyes. How could Voldemort be my biggest fear I talked to the real him and wasn’t that afraid I made a promise to expose him and I wasn’t afraid how could I possibly faint when a Boggart appeared as him. “I didn’t know that I was you biggest fear,” said an extremely familiar voice. I looked up to lock eyes with Tom aka Voldemort. “You’re not my biggest fear!” I yelled at him. “The Boggart definitely proved that I am,” he argued back. “If you were my biggest fear why aren’t I fainting now?” I asked him. “I’m just as confused as you are,” he replied. I sighed, “Why are you even talking to me you should plotting with your death eaters or killing me why are you so nice I never expected Voldemort to act like this?” I quizzed. “People misunderstand me, or not maybe I don’t know, I love you and I’m going to make you my queen whether you like it or not!” he shouted coldly walking away. How on earth am I supposed to expose him? I thought to myself.

“Feeling okay Potter?” asked Malfoy. “Yes and what are you doing here cockroach?” I questioned frustrated. “I was just asking a question Miss Perfect Potter!” he spat. “I am not perfect Draco!” I yelled in reply. “What did you just call me was it Draco?” he asked. I nodded while my hair turned pink. “You know maybe you are perfect,” he said and before I could reply his soft lips were against mine. We moved in sync with each other. I realized what was happening and pulled away. “Told you that you fancy me Potter,” he whispered before leaving. No I do not fancy Draco Malfoy I hate him and I always will.      

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